Words Are All I have

And words will get people jailed.

The tweet, posted on July 11 last year when he was aged 18, read: “@SzzOGz @MarcusRashford YOU F****** STUPID ****** MISSING A FREE PEN MY DEAD NAN COULD HAVE SCORED THAT”, according to a CPS official.

Mark Johnson, of the CPS, said an investigation was immediately launched by the Metropolitan Police. “Price targeted a footballer based on the colour of his skin and his action was clearly racist and a hate crime,” he said.

For crying out loud. Okay, it wasn’t pleasant, but it was just a few words. So what? That this is a crime and that the police can launch an investigation is outrageous. When my motorcycle was stolen a few years ago, an actual crime involving actual loss, they didn’t even bother to look at the CCTV evidence. But a tweet that dares to upset the thin skin of a sleb and they are leaping into action to get the perp. That this idiot is now facing six weeks in choky for this utterance is a disgrace.

Racism is unpleasant, but this was merely an expression of annoyance at the failure to score. So what? In a grown up world, we would shrug it off for what it is – a hurty comment, not give a teenager a criminal record for what amounts to a few ill chosen words uttered in the heat of the moment.


  1. The irony of course being that if the Defendant has used the word “cunt” instead of “ni**er” he would not have even been prosecuted.

  2. “STUPID ******”

    What was the word? N1gger, Tosser,… ?

    Regardless, it was words not even a threat and not a kick in bollocks. Should not be a crime, no fine, jail or punishment justified

  3. I don’t normally support the creation of yet more new laws but I do think that we are getting to the point when basic essential freedoms need to be legally protected. I think that we need laws that restrict the power of government. Restricting the size of it would be good too but I can’t see that happening. We also need laws protecting free expression so that cases like this one are strangled at birth.

    • Laws are not enough as they can be repealed. You need a proper constitution that severely limits the power of politicians to interfere in people’s lives.

  4. But Mr. Rashford was not targeted for the colour of his skin, he was targeted for “Missing a free penalty that my dead grandmother could have scored”. Which is right up there with “Who ate all the pies?”

    Coppers need to stop patrolling twitter armed with coffee and dougnuts and start patrolling the more disreputable streets and caravan sites with truncheons and hob-nail boots.

    At what point can we declare the entire Police SERVICE (no longer a FORCE) to be unfit for purpose, scrap it and go back to old style coppering on the basis of Peelian Principles as originally set out.

    Sam Vimes would be raging in his cardboard boots.

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