That’s Zorro Stuffed

And what about big Zed in my garage?

‘“Z”, the symbol of killings & atrocities, must be prohibited by law in every democratic state.’

Don’t be so fucking stupid. The whole point of a democratic state is that people get to say things you don’t like. And how the fuck do you ban a letter? The stupid, it hurts.

Lubeck police said they had stopped a convoy of around 60 vehicles because it broke the law by expressing support for ‘Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine’ and using ‘banned symbols’.

The Krauts never did get to grips with this civil liberties thing, did they?


  1. I recall many years ago reading of a French professor who, during the first world war, suggested that “k” be removed from the alphabet as it served no real function in French.

    That was the level of anti-German hysteria then extant, although in the aftermath of Verdun perhaps it was more excusable.

    But this!?

    I’ve been watching this rabid, infantilised Alice in wonderland and truly don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    Is there an actual leader anywhere? And I would include Russia, China and India in that

  2. Is letter Z legally approved in Germany?

    My cars banned from entering Germany then
    Car 1 reg GBZ nnnn
    Car 2 reg IBZ nnnn
    and the Kawa ZZR too

    Rebel News’ Ezra Levant as well

    BMW Z1, Z3, Z4 banned too

    Hey Kids,

    Lets go to the Oo today to see the Ebras, then we’ll go to Pia Express

    Kids “Daddy, what does that mean, what’s an Ebra?”

    FFS We’re not at war with Russia, only corrupt Ukraine is and Al-Beeb, Guardian, NYT, WaPo have been attacking Ukraine for years

  3. N? It looks like a Z that is having a wee rest between slaughtering the other letters.
    Then when that is done it will start on the digits.
    I am Scottish. I have often thought that the rest of English speaking world manages just fine with out the letter “r”.
    Just use “w” and when that sounds silly, “ah” – as in “wotah?
    Then there is “th”. This is just a waste of printers ink when “f” does the job. As in “Oi fink oim fick.” Or “That’s Zowwo had it.”
    Up the rhotics.

  4. Usually if a story seems to be a bit too silly, I suspect that it has been deliberately misreported to sensationalise it a bit. Was this particular Z stylised in some way that made it more obviously symbolic of the cause that was being objected to? The Suzuki logo is just a letter S but it is instantly recognisable as the Suzuki S. Not that I think that the reaction was justified.

  5. Just think if Wales had the power to ban all letters it doesn’t use. This would include French accents and German umlauts. Sign language anybody?

  6. Zelensky banned too?

    Someone didn’t do any joined up thinking, did they?

    As for Z, Shakespeare didn’t like it much when he wrote. “Thou whoreson Zed, thou unnecessary letter…” —King Lear, 2.2.65

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