
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing in the hope of a different result.

Sun worshippers have been urged to wear face coverings while at the beach in two holiday hotspots.

Councils in Lincolnshire and Cornwall have asked visitors to their famous coastlines to mask up when possible while outside on the sand and pebbles.

Their pleas come during the balmy Easter weekend, which has seen millions of Brits flock to parks, rivers and beaches to enjoy the sunshine.

They have done so against a backdrop of high Covid deaths, with just shy of 2,000 people having died because of the disease over the past week.

Cornwall Council asked visitors to use a face covering and exercise social distancing, citing the high number of Covid cases in the county.

What part of ‘it doesn’t work‘ do these cretins not get? None of these stupid measures worked. The virus will do what it does. Wearing a stupid mask will make not one iota of difference.

But then, some people really like the control this last two years have given them and don’t want to let go.

The UK needs to bring back Covid measures to tackle soaring cases ahead of a ‘brutal’ Easter, an NHS chief has warned.

The NHS Confederation, which represents healthcare organisations, said a refusal by Downing Street to tackle a spike in new cases risked “abandoning” the health service.

As above, these measures did not work. Some of us knew this from the start, but now the evidence is in, vindicating what we were saying two years ago. So these nasty control freaks can fuck right off. It seems that the government has said something similar. If only they had done it in March 2020.

The NHS confederation in a statement on Saturday called for the government to “reconsider its ‘living with Covid’ plan and introduce mitigating actions that will help avoid further critical incidents being declared at the NHS front-line.”

The ones that don’t work.

Previous restrictions have included mask wearing in crowded, public places and restrictions on social gatherings.

None of which worked. But we should do them anyway. Maybe we should all buy magic tokens to ward off evil sprits. It would make as much sense.

Mr Taylor said: “We urgently need stronger messages to the public on taking precautions to reduce opportunities for the virus to spread and getting booster vaccinations.

That would be the ‘vaccines’ that don’t stop you getting it and don’t stop you spreading it.

He added: “We also need proper Covid funding to continue until the virus is genuinely under control and we need a medium-term plan for reducing the risk of respiratory diseases including mask wearing and ventilation in public spaces.

Ah, yes, the old ‘more money’ argument. As if they haven’t already pissed enough up the wall. Sack a few diversity managers and raise the money that way.

Mr Taylor said that the nation was “behaving as if this pandemic is over, but it is not over in relation to the challenges facing the health service”.

It’s been over since spring 2020 when it became endemic.

“In our view, we do not have a ‘Living with Covid’ plan, we have a ‘living without restrictions’ ideology, which is different. We need to put in place the measures that are necessary to try to alleviate the pressures on our health service while this virus continues to attack.”

Your view is irrelevant. Do the job you are paid to do and stop moaning about it. Oh, and stop trying to restrict our lives because you are too inefficient to do a decent job.

Put into perspective, the current number of ICU beds occupied by covid patients in England – as of 7th April – is 312. Yes, 312 out of a population of nearly 70 million. I think we are living with it perfectly well. We certainly do not need any restrictions, whether they work or not and they don’t.


  1. Where does the ‘just shy of 2,000 deaths in the past week’ come from? Something doesn’t add up. I’m still seeing a fair few mask wearers while out and about but they are gradually becoming a smaller and smaller minority. This suggests that the majority are giving little credence to the scaremongering now.

  2. I was in a crowded Wetherspoons the other day, not a mask in sight and a job to find an unoccupied table. We seem to be ‘living with covid’ fairly well in this part of Devon.

  3. “I’ve noticed it’s mainly the elderly who are still wearing masks”

    Oh. no, I’m not!

  4. It being a lovely sunny warm autumn day in Dunedin, my wife and I went for a walk in the Botanic Gardens.I was dismayed to see a lot of young people there wearing masks.The rules are also stupid. All restrictions on numbers in night clubs and pubs have gone so it is possible to spend a happy evening with several hundred other revelers in close proximity, but masks are still mandatory when shopping in a half empty supermarket .

  5. I find it incredible that an NHS that has abandoned the general public by making GP services inaccessible (especially over the easter weekend) has the gall to lecture US about safeguarding

  6. I have had four text messages this week. All came from NHS Scotland. One odd thing is that they came to mobile phone that is reserved for emergency use and apart from texting to my main hone to keep it alive, it has no other numbers in its contacts list.
    Another odd thing is that the messages are directed to a person other than me.
    The first message concluded with an instruction to send a report of my health to a web address.
    The third message addressed to the same unknown person began by thanking me for the health data (which I had not sent) and advised me to isolate for a few days until I felt well again.
    The fourth and hopefully the final missive offered me the opportunity to receive financial aid to offset the isolation costs.

    Anyone know what is going on? The bit about health data being received makes me wonder just how much imaginary data is being generated to bolster a crooked system.

    • To djc and stoney ground
      Thanks for your perspectives. I never respond to messages like the ones I mentioned. Not very trusting am I?

  7. I have heard of people being contacted by people who were trying to find the person who previously had their mobile phone number. Presumably if you terminate your contract and don’t take the number with you, the number gets recycled and passed onto someone else. That doesn’t explain them thanking you for information that you didn’t send though.

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