You Don’t Say…

Oddly enough, the comment is not a rare example of self-awareness…

Now she’s taken to Instagram to share what it’s like to walk in her shoes, and added: “Human’s are weird, man.”

I’d agree. It is somewhat weird to despoil one’s body with hideous ‘art.’ But, then, it takes all sorts. Of course, her body, her choice and if she wishes to vandalise that body with this awful stuff, that’s her decision and I hope she never feels regret when she is older. But to expect the rest of us to not look upon her as odd or weird is itself weird. She looks hideous and yes, people are going to do a double take as they absorb the monstrosity that she’s become. And, yes, they will comment negatively as I am here. She looks a mess.

The really weird thing is that people who do this are exhibitionists. They want people to look twice – then they complain when it happens.


  1. What a hideous mess she’s become. Looked nice before the body “art”


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  2. When people go in for extreme tattoos, body modification, or body building, other people can view that as criticism of their own choices. So first of all ‘respect’ for the outliers goes – nobody cares much for the consequential problems of people with extreme modifications. And then when the extremes are thrust in your face tolerance begins to reduce.

    It’s a message that modern generations need to re-learn – your choices have consequences that you must bear. Whether it is tattoos, going to fight in foreign wars, committing criminal acts for a ’cause’. I have no sympathy and resent being criticised for having no sympathy.

  3. OT sorry, wouldn’t normally, but… Next door just took delivery of his new Honda Rebel CMX 1100. Fine looking bike, looking forward to taking it out round Cwmbranistan. You know the roads round here LR, should be fun!

  4. It is a pity that she couldn’t be blown up by an IRA bomb. She’d make a marvellous jigsaw.

  5. O/T


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