Rivers of Salt

Twitter, twatter, twot, let the salt flow.

Elon Musk has struck a deal to buy Twitter for £34billion.

The transaction is expected to close this year, with the Tesla founder agreeing to pay £42.57 for every Twitter share.

It means the social media platform will become a private company, owned by the world’s richest man.

Musk, who is worth an estimated £214billion, has promised that Twitter will continue to be a platform for free speech.

Earlier today, he tweeted: “I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means.”

In a statement, he added: “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.

“I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans.

The weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has already started, so sit back, crack open that bag of popcorn and enjoy the tears of the righteous.


  1. Congrats to Mr Musk. When even twitter founder Jack Dorsey was attacking board it was foregone conclusion

    Not MSM
    Mark Steyn on GB News

    Fox Business:
    – News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErQ2l9kdG78
    – Kudlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXSDjB4P0RM

    Fox News
    The Five’ analyzes the impacts of Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase

    My good deed today
    Ripped down two ‘Face Nappies Required by Law’ posters in a Morrisons today, one at entrance other at “Customer Service”

    • I did something similar at work – stupid poster telling you to cough into your arm. My wife found it in my pocket earlier and was like ‘wtf is this’. We still have posters telling you to wear masks away from your desk. I’m happy to report that compliance is down to <2%. Even the ESG team aren't wearing them anymore – just the random spaz.

    • I understand that Shaun King, the Whitest Black man you ever did see, aka ‘Talcum X’ has resigned from Twitter in a huff. The idiot called free speech ‘white supremacy’ before bailing.

      Musk buying Twitter might not account for much in the battle to regain freedom of speech but it certainly provides a much needed laugh at the lefties screaming about this purchase.

        • Not missed by anyone who isn’t a race grifter. Talcum X and his mates were quite happy with Twitter when it censored according to their points of view but it’s interesting to see the freak out they are having over the possibility that other opinions might be aired. It will be very interesting over the course of the next few months to see if the various SJW groups and race and religion baiters find that under Musk they have less control over Twitter than they once had. Personally I’d be pleased if odious groups like Tell Mama and similar entities lose the massive amount of influence that they have over this platform up until now.

      • It’s been hilarious. All the tech sites I read, without exception, spent the day “reminding” everyone they’re also on Mastodon (a “decentralised” Twitter alternative that’s been a favourite of the tech-savvy trying to escape Twitter censorship over the years).

        I suspect Elon will actually be rather pleased. As he says, he doesn’t care about the economics of it; it’s about fixing a problem. And part of the problem has been that Twitter’s the 500lb gorilla. It used its power and influence to crush Gab and Parler. If Mastodon suddenly goes mainstream as a result of his purchase, it’s all to the good.

  2. You can make an argument that Left and Right have lost their grip as political descriptors. A better set of labels is Anywheres/Somewheres or Globalists vs Localists.

    I don’t know if Elon Musk will make Twitter better but he has shown that it is possible to challenge the Anywheres and possibly start rolling back the polarisation of politics.

  3. “You can make an argument that Left and Right have lost their grip as political descriptors.”

    Agreed, I would say that the battle now is between lovers of genuine liberty and those who would like to control everyone else’s lives. Those of us in the west have had relative freedom for so long that people have come to take it so completely for granted that they no longer feel that it is worth defending.

  4. Stoneyground. Spot on there. There is indeed a division growing between those who want to control and censor all speech tht they do not like and those who just want to be left alone. Support for free speech is not confined to the political Right no matter what Leftist activists claim. I’ve met leftists who believe that free speech is vital for getting their message across.

    For the record I don’t think any speech, unless it credibly incites immediate violence, should be censored. I don’t even believe that scummy Holocaust Deniers or Jew haters should be censored as I want to know what these bastards are saying, who they are saying it to and whether or not their rantings are being taken seriously by anyone outside their immediate group. Free speech protects me as I’d rather see and hear my potential enemies or those who might be a threat at some point so that I can take steps to protect myself against them. The most dangerous enemy, not just to me and mine but to anyone, is the enemy that you can’t hear and therefore be forewarned about.

    • @FH211
      Plenty on Left want free speech too, even some Labour MPs (eg woman supprters), others inc Rod Liddle, sites like LeftLockdownSceptics, Spiked

      It’s the London bubble, msm and radical left – SNP in particular – who oppose it.

      London bubble includes Johnson who screamed blue murder about MoS article on Rayner using sex to distract.

      imo Rayner prostitutes herself and behaves like an escort girl

      • Pcar. Spot on there with your list of those on the Left who support and want to defend freedom of speech. They know that any restrictions on freedom of speech that might be favourable to the far left now could quite easily be used to suppress the Left by a different government tomorrow. Free speech is a fundamental as is the right to disagree.

        If only it was just the London bubble. The London bubble attitudes have been exported to various local government functionaries and departments. However you are correct that these views are not shared by those outside of bubble thinking.

        Johnson is a cushion. He takes the shape of the arse of whoever sat upon him last. What has become to be known as the ‘Growlergate affair’ is just another bandwagon that Johnson can climb on without having to do much.

        My view on Ms Rayner’s outfit was tht it made an attractive woman look even more attractive and therefore was probably not the best choice of outfit to wear in the Commons as it distracted from what she was saying. Dressing to impress is part of the human condition and maybe Ms Rayner was dressing to impress but it backfired.

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