The Usual Canard

The ‘far right.’ And the Christian ‘far right’ in the USA, of course it was.

I am the producer and co-creator of a piece of theatre that was cancelled before it had even been seen. It started like this: a group of people online began to call for the show to be shut down. It gained some traction and led to a petition on the platform Citizen Go, which is believed to have links with extremist hard-right Christian groups in the US. My company, as well as the staff at the theatre venues we were due to be performing at, faced threats of violence and abuse against staff.

I cannot comment about the threats of violence, but if there were any, that is a matter for the police to investigate. What this jackass fails to realise – lacking any ability for introspection – is that ordinary, decent people object to having sex peddled to five year old children. It really was as simple as that. The only extremists here are the activists who believe that pushing sex on minors is anything other than deeply repugnant. For the record, I am not right wing – I sit somewhere in the centre and I am not a Christian, but if you are yourself so far to the left that you think grooming children is okay, then the centre ground will appear to be far right. I am not a Christian and I am not far right, I merely have a functioning moral compass.

The show is called The Family Sex Show. Its aim is to reimagine the way we think and talk about relationships and sex. Making it was a process of collaboration with a diverse group of people who have varied life experiences. The show is a fun and playful performance made up of songs, dances and personal stories. It is about bodies and how society views them. It also explores themes including gender, sexuality, pleasure and boundaries. But really, the show is about care and mutual respect – and it exists in the hope that it can be a part of breaking down some of the systems of oppression alive today.

Which you were pitching at children. Had it been an adult show – or aimed at teenagers over the age of consent, no one would have batted an eyelid, but you were aiming it at prepubescent children. Most people look upon that as grooming and rightly so. This isn’t cancel culture, its a reasonable backlash against something that decent people rightly find repugnant.

Whether you agree with the show’s aims or not, it has not yet been seen, publicly. Still, an online group thought it should not even be seen so it could be judged fairly.

It was judged perfectly fairy – it was your promotional material that pitched it at children and decent, reasonable people righty objected.

The Family Sex Show is a piece of theatre for everyone. We suggest that this can include children over the age of five too;

And that is why you were cancelled. Because this is nothing short of grooming.

Only the Guardian could be relied upon to give a platform for such a self pitying whine and even think that this is any way ok behaviour. It isn’t.

The outcry on social media and the subsequent petition used words and ideologies that are rooted in queerphobia, racism, fatphobia, ableism, misogyny and transphobia.

Ah yes, when challenged, wheel out the usual fake mental illnesses – and I’m sure, given time, you could add a few more to that childish scattergun list of puerile insults. It is after all the boilerplate far left response to any and all pushback to their vile ideology, so I suppose I should expect it. Objecting to this tawdry attempt to sexualise young children was not a phobia, it was a reasonable response to bad behaviour.

I notice that there are no comments to this piece, so I suspect that even the Guardian has just enough of a glimmer of self awareness to know damned well how this rank piece of apologism will be received even in their usual circles.


  1. What goes on behind closed doors between grown-ups is nobody’s business. But perversion (For that is what this is) in public and targeted at children? No. Not acceptable. Not in an Epoch.

    Yet didn’t the court of public opinion recently pillory a number of showbiz types for much, much less?

  2. Reminds me of the days of the PIE – all those later-‘respectable’ Labour MPs, carefully plotting to destroy children’s lives….

  3. Just goes to show that leftism is a form of viral insanity they are in complete denial that they have done anything wrong, but the truth is that they were attempting to groom children and they were caught.

    The muttering and mumblings of various invented “phobias” are just an attempt at distraction from the crimes they were in the process of committing.

    I hope someone reported this matter to the police. Not that the weak willed bobbies will do anything. Far too close to the leftist leanings of their senior officers and politicians.


      • Yawn. I’m not interested in your extreme hatred of Christianity and your desire to shoehorn it into every conversation. The backlash being referred to is nothing to do with Christianity despite the usual Guardianista whining. It was ordinary, decent people who objected to sex being pushed on children.

  4. I guess it must have been extremist hard-right Christian groups not Dems that deposed the Paedo Dem Virginia Governor and installed a Straight White Male Rep as Governor and a Straight Black Female Rep as Lieutenant Governor of Virginia

    These left nutters can’t see what’s staring them in the face

  5. “I am not a Christian and I am not far right, I merely have a functioning moral compass.”

    Absolutely and you must never fade away.

  6. “extremist hard-right”. How many more words can they add to ‘right’ to try and make it sound bad? Soon it will be the ‘really, really bad extremist hard right indeed’.

    “queerphobia, racism, fatphobia, ableism, misogyny and transphobia.” Even if any of these were a thing, they had nowt to do with the response, which was simply, “Don’t plug this shit to kids”. The left (Super really ultra hard left indeed) really cannot stand to be criticised

  7. The correct word is: “Christofascist”
    And their model is Jean Calvin, the inventor of the Police State

    • A few days ago, I reminded folk here about my comments policy. If you have a single issue that consumes you, then start your own blog and bang on about it there, don’t use this place as a megaphone to go on about your single-issue obsession, dragging the discussion off the subject in the process. While I don’t mind comments straying off topic from time to time, this obsession of yours with Christianity is at best annoying and at worst, it’s like the pub bore who just won’t let go. Every time you try to blame the Christians for whatever it is we are discussing and I am heartily sick of it and I am not interested in having every topic you comment upon dragged into a rant about it and its historical legacy, so stop it. This discussion is not about that, so stick to the point.

      If you want to comment calmly, politely and on topic, then you are welcome, but this ongoing crusade is most certainly not.

      Just to forestall any accusation of censorship – if you came into my home and spoke to me like that, I’d show you the door and that wouldn’t be censorship either.

      • @LR
        +1 He’s a Troll with only insults to fling around. I wish we had a Rwanda type deal with Cuba, Ukraine and Venuzuela to relocate Greg and his ilk to there. Even better: RAF Hercules and parashoot

        Hmm, that’s got me thinkng of channel illegals: use a Chinook to drag back to France

  8. There was a time ( When “Raedwald” was still alive ) that this blog was reasonable!
    What is coming to the USA
    No abortions, even for ectopic pregnancies or for rape victims.
    Oh, referring back to a previous comment: & I do not “hate” christianity – I despise it & all religions as blackmailing lies & torture.
    I’m horribly surprised to find people here accepting, at face value the ridiculous claims made for any & all of them, without question.
    I thought you did not approve of “Appointed Authority” – but it seems I was wrong.

    • I haven’t changed and I am not the one being unreasonable here, nor have I accepted any claims either way. I simply do not want to get into a debate about abortion. Nor do I want this discussion to be dragged into it. Nor do I want to have it dragged down the rabbit hole of religion – because the discussion is not about that. I am well aware of the case you link to, but this discussion is not about that, either. So please respect my wishes and give it a rest.

    • @Greg

      What is coming to the USA
      No abortions, even for ectopic pregnancies or for rape victims

      Instantly you lie again – Abortion is not being banned in USA

      It’s very simple, even for fools, each stat will be able to decide what abortion laws they want. Same as in UK where England, NI, Scot and Wales could

      No doubt NY will keep their law which allows post birth abortions: “Oh, it’s wrong colour, kill it”

      You are putting politics above fact and you are factually wrong. You’re demeaning yourself and looking very silly

      • Its also worth repeating that I have chosen deliberately not to have a discussion on the matter of abortion or the specific laws around it precisely because of the kind of emotive response I’ve been subjected to this past few days.

        Unfortunately this refusal has been wilfully misrepresented as being in the thrall of religionists. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have simply refused to engage in a discussion. I have repeatedly requested that this be respected, yet that request has been ignored.

Comments are closed.