Universal Deceit

In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Thus it is with Nick Fletcher.

A Conservative MP has sent a letter describing children’s gender identity doubts as “nothing more than a phase” to every school in his constituency.

Nick Fletcher, MP for Don Valley, South Yorkshire, said he wanted to “clearly set out his position” on the issue and asked head teachers to do the same.

His letter states that “boys are boys and girls are girls”, and the media glamorises a “transgender lifestyle”.

Well, that’s the cat among the pigeons, right there.

One school said the letter was “neither helpful nor positively received”.

Colour me surprised.

It was also criticised by councillors and the former boss of an LGBTQ+ youth charity, who said the comments “deny the existence” of transgender teens and could harm their mental health.

The usual risible wibble that these vile charlatans trot out when their poisonous ideology is challenged with reason, facts and logic. Fletcher is objectively correct here, but they really cannot face this, so go straight for the claptrap response. You know, ‘denying existence’ or some such bollocks. I’m surprised they haven’t accused him of genocide, which appears to the the latest hysterical riposte from these morons.

Joe Brian, head teacher at Conisbrough Ivanhoe Primary Academy, said he had written back to Mr Fletcher to say: “I would have preferred to receive a letter supporting teachers after Michael Fabricant’s comments about teachers drinking during lockdown”

“Or to discuss the fact that teachers have had a real-term pay cut. Or to talk about the stress that pupils are under doing SATS.

“I’d like to know what his thoughts are on teaching in the round.

“I don’t think we need advice from [him] on how to deal with this single issue,” he added.

This halfwit is a head teacher. Unable to respond to the matter in hand, he prefers to attack the messenger on completely unrelated issues. Hardly surprising, really, given the lack of intellectual capacity on display. Personally, I’d agree, advice is not what is needed here, I would prefer to see this man removed from his role as he has no place being in charge of the education of young people given that he is an ideologue incapable of keeping his politics to himself.

Steve Slack, former chief executive of Sheffield LGBT+ youth charity SAYit, said the letter highlighted stigma faced by gay and transgender young people.

He said many had experienced “huge mental health problems”, because of “attitudes that deny their existence, and suggest it’s a phase”.

“When I was growing up I was always told being gay was a phase and you’d grow out of it,” he told BBC Radio Sheffield.

“Just let people be who they are and what they are,” he said.

So we are to give young people life changing treatments based upon your ideology? That’s not leaving people alone to work it through for themselves – something that is very much just a phase for the vast majority.

In a joint statement, Doncaster Council cabinet members Rachael Blake and Lani-Mae Ball described the MP’s comments as “offensive and outdated”.

Oh dear, we are offended. Well boohoo, get over yourselves. Fletcher may appear ‘outdated’ in his views; he is, however, objectively correct. The truth never goes out of date. If he has upset you, then he is doing a good job.

“Can we suggest that Mr Fletcher deals with the issues most affecting our communities and does the job he was elected to do and represent his constituents?”

That is precisely what he is doing here. And well done to him for doing it and standing up to the crybullies in the trans cult.


  1. Why do so-called adults feel so qualified to be able to comment on how children think or feel about ‘sexuality? Children don’t think like that. Young boys form boys groups, girls form girls groups. Then, when puberty starts to kick-in, these attitudes change as do certain physical characteristics. Hormones come into play in a very big way. Why? That’s how we mammals are genetically programmed.
    Trying to force a twisted so-called ‘adult’ interpretation onto any one of the phases which children go through is bad. Bad enough to qualified as EVIL.

  2. Well done Nick Fletcher. He’s correct, it is a fad and worse it’s endorsed by the adults who should be scorning the children

    All the school staff who defend their child abuse should be sacked and added to sex offender register. IF Nadim Ming the Merciless defends Fletcher it will be usual words and no action

    Or to talk about the stress that pupils are under doing SATS

    The stress is because teachers, pols and msm keep telling pupils they’re stressed

    When I was at school and uni exams were considered not pleasant, but normal and nobody was stressed. Turn up, sit exam, have some fun, go home. Rinse and repeat.

    Want some stress? Try an MBA: Eight 3 to 4 hour exams in different subjects over one M-F week. All 104 of us passed them all

    The stress is the emotional adults’ fault

    +1 Darren Grimes on GB News nailed it, he was being pushed down TS route, but stepped out and thought and talked. Conclusion: I’m Gay not Trans

    Are we, by back door, implementing Iran’s muslim policy of ‘if you’re maybe gay, you must change sex’? Certainly looks that way

  3. In all the years I was at school, and then through my own children and their friends, the ones I met through being a Scout Leader,and the ones I met as a serving Police Officer , I have not met one who was in any way transgender or wished to change sex.I have known several gay people who are quite happy to live their lives without fanfare or fuss.I now know one transgender person who has had the full surgical treatment and tries to pass as female,very unconvincingly.All this in a life 84 years long.
    I have no doubt that most people have never met anyone ,or is likely to meet an extremely rare but increasingly vocal type.

  4. Ideologues used to lust after Heaven, then after Utopia. Each excused the ‘means’ because the ‘ends’ were so desirable. This is how piles of dead bodies were justified in Crusades and Jihads, in Nazi pogroms and communist purges. And now it appears that some of those latest bodies have been tampered with.

  5. ’“Can we suggest that Mr Fletcher deals with the issues most affecting our communities and does the job he was elected to do and represent his constituents?” ‘

    Can I suggest that these ladies get on with their job of ensuring the bins are collected and the streets are swept?

  6. It’s nice to see an MP who’s willing to stand up and be counted. It’s so unlike the many Wastemonster gravytrainers who go along with anything, no matter how unpleasant, which they see as a vote winner. As an afterthought, I agree, these perverts have no place in education and need to be removed forthwith.

  7. “Outdated”. I noticed many years ago that this is a favourite tactic of the Left to avoid arguments they don’t know how to win. I find it hard to see it as anything more than superannuated cool kids bullying the nerds and squares.

  8. “Outdated” – like strikes, but Left support this outdated practice

    If public knew the pay, hours worked, easiness of job, spanish practices of Drivers and other rail workers they’d have a lot less support.

    Some twat was on GB News saying msm aren’t supporting the strikers. You what? BBC, C4, ITV, Sky… all supporting them and attacking Johnson, Shapps etc

    They also never mention it’s staff vs the train firms, not vs Gov’t and the TOCs & staff received a £16bn taxpayer bailout during lockdowns

    • I’m a railwayman. The rail industry is one of the best sources of well paid semi skilled jobs without needing a degree. Especially driving and signalling. The RMT is a thoroughly nasty organisation that uses its members as pawns in its proxy war with the government. I say this as an ex member.

      I do not support this strike.

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