
Kelly-Jay Keen has had a visitation from the thought police.

Yup, she has been untoward about paedophiles. Never mind that noncing is illegal in the UK, plod is more concerned about hurty feelings and Kelly-Jay has had a visitation – presumably to check her thinking. I watched her discussing this via the Lotus Eaters and she said that the officers who called had no idea what she said or which YouTube video was the subject of the complaint. From what I gather she sent them packing with a flea in their ear.

It would seem that disrespecting nonces is now a hate crime. What has the world come to?


  1. ‘What has the world come to?”.

    As I see it, we face one of two choices: continue with this woke nonsense, legalise kiddyfiddling, drugs, election rigging etc, watch vital services crash and burn because of wave after wave of strikes and decades of mismanagement and asset stripping, give in to the hive-mind and ‘celebrate’ whatever self-contradictory nonsense is de rigour this week, etc, etc or … a night of long knives. Lasting months

    A total clear out of all aspects of Gov, Police, Civil Service, local councils, teachers, social services, charidees, armed forces, big business, unions, HMRG, quangos, newspaper editors, soshul meeja, etc etc is required to restore normality.

    It’s never going to happen. The Western world is going to disappear up its own arse hole, probably literally if Pride have anything to do with it.

    • Well bear in mind that in both Rotherham and Telford child abuse cases the Police forces involved have been accused of being at best being complicit if not willingly turning a blind eye to what was going on

    • Sadly, I think you’re right.

      When I couldn’t connect to Longrider’s site this morning, I feared the worst. Once, I’d have simply assumed internet flakiness. But now, it seems we all have to watch what we say. This is not the world I grew up in.

  2. Almost regardless of the politic involved, for actual Police to go to someone’s house and interrupt them to give “advice” about something where no actual ctime has been committed and where they have not even reviewed the complaint or the alleged video involved is a shockingly bad bit of Policing.

    I hope Keen is registering a complaint with the Chief Constable, albeit knowing the Police’s record of burying complaints about their conduct spraying it all over YouTube was probably a better idea

  3. Just remember that, these days, the Police are not always your friends.
    DO NOT let them in unless they have a warrant.
    Give them as little information as possible.
    Try and answer questions with questions.
    ” Which video? ”
    ” Did you question why the person was offended? ”
    ” Have you seen it?”
    “Then why are you here?”
    “Is your presence here a question of, ‘I am just following
    ” Who gave the orders? ”
    “Is that the person who is offended?”
    and so on.

  4. I forgot to add, “be polite and film it if you can, to avoid any future misconceptions”.

  5. >> “What has the world come to?”

    Almost to the foot of the slippery slope that started with acceptance of homosexuality, then “trans” ideology, and now paedophilia.

    The police are now openly campaigning for gays and trannies, to the point where they will actually wear the political flags of those groups.

    The stealthy addition of “minor-attracted persons” to their list of protected classes is starting to seem inevitable.

    • I don’t have a problem with any form of sexual deviance, no matter how bizarre or unpleasant I may find it, as long as it takes place in private between adults with fully informed consent. Sexual activity with children is a different matter entirely.

      • Unfortunately, it’s not taking place in private.

        It’s open and in front of us, and we are being compelled to accept increasingly deviant behaviour, one tiny increment at a time.

        The police preventing anti-paedophile speech is just the latest move of the needle. They’ve already been letting paedophiles off with cautions for years. Open support for the “minor-attracted” can’t be too far away.

  6. For several years now I’ve been wondering what the point of the police force is. They don’t investigate burglaries, they offer a crime number if your car or motorbike is stolen they just don’t seem to want to investigate the crimes that affect ordinary people. This story is but another example. From now on if you want a copper at your door just tell them a group of men are trying to pull him off a 8 year old at the end of your street.

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