Just Say ‘No’

Sometimes, you just need to refuse and stand your ground, no matter the cost. The woke ideology is so thoroughly poisonous that it needs a fightback. Well, seven men did just that.

Expect more of this. As more people stand their ground, others will follow. The so called tolerant and kind wokerati don’t understand the words they use. Personally, I wouldn’t wear a virtue-signalling shirt, either. Tolerance of homosexuality is fine. The decriminalising of it was the right, moral thing to do, but no one should be put under pressure to celebrate it. With the relentless pressure going on, we need to draw a line and say ‘no further. Here I stand and no means no.’


  1. Good find LR. Seems the word ‘tolerance’ has almost lost all meaning… Forcing people to ‘appear’ to believe what they actually don’t (for whatever reason) is bullying.
    Personally, I don’t give a flying one about skin colour, sexuality, religion etc. If you’re a lovely person, great!
    Try and force me to celebrate your beliefs? Do one.

    • So true. There’s a difference between toleration and respect. You can defend a perfectly sound argument that we should tolerate other peoples’ beliefs (until they adversely affect others) in the interests of community harmony. But what the woke desire is respect. Respect awards the woke some authority over you, and that will lead to community unrest.

  2. A more detailed exposé of the Twatter terrorists would have been nice, but we’ll be thankful for small steps in the right direction.

  3. Living in New Zealand,we have been kept up to date on the twists and turns of this case. Almost everyone in the Southern Hemisphere knows that the Pacifica players in particular are from a deeply Christian background and to expect them to openly support what for them is a repugnant lifestyle is asking for problems. No one has yet asked the question as to why all these organisations are so eager to virtue signal the way they are.What is in it for them? I doubt very much that they would expect Muslim players to support gay marriage for example.

  4. This here rainbow flag and this Pride month? It’s Gay Pride month is it not? OK fine for them but why would normal people celebrate perversion?

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