There’s always One

I’m not a monarchist. Come to that, I’m not a republican either. I sort of float graciously between the two ideas. However, like most, I’ve been saddened by the inevitable news of the Queen’s death. We knew that it was coming, but even so, it was a sad moment. Most reasonable, decent people of whatever political persuasion will keep any negative opinions to themselves at this juncture. However, there are always some cockroaches who will use a tragedy to further their own nasty little agenda.

Trevor Sinclair has been taken off air by talkSPORT after he sparked a furious backlash on Twitter with a post following the Queen’s death.

What did he say?

Sinclair apparently reacted to the news by tweeting: “Racism was outlawed in England in the 60’s & its been allowed to thrive so why should black & brown mourn!! #queen.”

Ah, yes a typical race grifter, spreading his vile lies. Bringing his nasty little grift into a moment such as this is entirely inappropriate (and in this case, the word is being used appropriately). I don’t follow sport so had no idea who he is. Now I do and know that he is someone to avoid. Similarly over at Julia’s we get people complaining about the cost of the funeral.

Phantom Digger said…

Poorer indeed because now we have a State Funeral to pay for.

I have responded to this spiteful little comment but it is still in moderation. However, I will agree with Ted Treen further down, that this person has the right to say that, and we have the right to point out just how mean spirited and odious this person is.

For the sake of clarity, the taxpayer does not fund the monarchy. The Crown Estates do that. The rest is then put into the exchequer, so on balance, the taxpayer is onto a good thing here. The cost of the state funeral is a matter of pennies when the whole is taken into account and only a thoroughly nasty mean-spirited individual would whine about it at this juncture. I mean, after seventy years of service, a state funeral is the very least we can do regardless of whether you support the concept of monarchy or not. There are times when the right this to say is, nothing at all. For racist scumbags such as Trevor Sinclair, this is one of them.

What is wrong with people for fuck’s sake?


    • A racist scumbag, then. We are such a racist society that we let him rise to the top of his profession and pay him obscene amounts of money while he racially abuses us. What a piece of shit.

  1. There’s this piece of work as well

    I’m not much of a monarchist, but I can recognise when someone deserves respect and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is one such person. Decades of service and a tireless work ethic. Done fantastic work helping steer the ship of state through turbulent times.
    Let’s just hope Charles can live up to her sterling example.

  2. It’s times like these when people show their true colours. And the crowd that keeps moaning about “hate speech” from its opponents turns out to be full of hatred. Whoever would have guessed?

  3. I always find it interesting to see the effects of this country’s vile, pervasive, institutionalised racism.
    Piers Morgan wonders whether the slightly dusky hued Meghan Markle might be lying about the Royal Family’s racist abuse of her so he is promptly sacked. The very black Sinclair makes racist remarks about our deceased monarch and the country as a whole, so he is suspended until we’ve forgotten what he said and then his employers will let him go on air again. I hope he is still being paid while he is suspended or he will undoubtedly successfully sue for constructive dismissal.

  4. Apparently the royal family cost the tax payer £1 each per year. For the tourism that the pomp and ceremony bring into this country that’s value for money. The fact that they are there for life means you don’t get buck House redecorated every 4 years at great expense to the taxpayer, a voted in Head of state will cost us far more and would be politically motivated.
    With a monarch we have a person that represents all of us, regardless of faith, colour or origins, throughout their lives. The Queen, still giving Boris and Liz 45 mins each of her time when she was obviously ill, shows how seriously she took her role. So believers in the monarch or not, respect for the dear Lady. How many other 96 year olds work till the day they die.
    I hope Charles carries out his duties in the same way, he wants to streamline the monarchy. Well Megan has already started that. Let’s hope he holds everything together because we know William will be a great asset as king.
    So let the country and commonwealth mourn the passing of a wonderful lady and hopefully she’s reunited with her husband in the next world.

  5. My mother had an English penpal during WWII, and they remained friends after, I’m in fact named for her friend. They were even able to meet personally a few times. My mother would often pass on what her friend said about the Royal family, or about her participation in fundraising for the RNLI, for instance. I’m quite sure a great many Americans have the same kind of ties, they make Great Britain and its Royal family less of a fairy tale and more of a real place. My mother and her friend both passed away in the last couple of years, and now with the passing of Elizabeth II it feels like the end of an era. I suspect there are Americans that feel the same way, we don’t feel the loss of a queen but the loss of the person who was the Queen.

  6. The period of silence at the Oval cricket match was said to be the most silent and respectful ever. It apparently went on for much longer than the allotted time.

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