Whiny Bollocks


‘I’m black, I’m gay, I’m a woman. My country hates me!’: actor Samira Wiley on love, confidence and the Handmaid’s Tale

Okay, another sleb I’ve never heard of, but even so – she is employed in a prestigious industry, presumably well paid, and continues to be employed, so I don’t believe the claim that her country hates her.

At 35, Wiley is famous for two big TV roles. One, her first real acting job, was in the prison series Orange is the New Black. For four years, she played fan favourite Poussey Washington. After that, she played Moira, an activist turned handmaid turned activist again in the TV adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale. But she trained as a theatre actor and is about to make her British stage debut in the National Theatre’s revival of Blues for an Alabama Sky. She plays Angel, a down-on-her-luck showgirl in Depression-hit 1930s Harlem.

So, doing alright for herself and a ‘fan favourite’ from a country that hates her.

Fuck off already. Typical whiny racist nonsense from the privileged elite. To be fair, I don’t like her very much and I’ve gone to that from not knowing anything about her as a direct consequence of this tedious, self-indulgent whinge.


  1. “I’m white, I’m heterosexual, I’m male, my country hates me” works just as well and is better founded in reality. Bet you no-one ever publishes that one.

    • Or “I’m white, I’m heterosexual, I’m male, I’m old, my country ignores me”.

      Rather than whinge about my ‘victimhood’ I relish flying under the radar.

  2. Do these people have PR consultants who tell them what to say to get the right people on their side? Obviously the crusty old gammons that hang around here aren’t going to be interested in her work anyway so pissing us off isn’t a problem. Those woke types, on the other hand, their hearts will bleed for her and how oppressed she is.

  3. Yawn. Another non entity, as unattractive in spirit as they are in physique. What is truly depressing is that they will never have the intellect for genuine self reflection. So amongst us rational human kind, we are obliged to suffer their ersatz, less than mediocre talent in addition th their self indulgent whining.

  4. What she actually means is that she isn’t as rich as she believes she deserves, people are not worshipping the ground she walks on and doesn’t have everything her own way.

    Therefore the only explanation for that is that every one is racist and hates her, including every last person in the country, particularly those that select her for the roles and pay her wages.

    FOAD is my reaction or Ghana will accept anyone who is melanin enriched as a citizen, no questions asked. I’m sure that she’ll fell the love in that part of the world and the opportunities there will surely satisfy her, eh?

  5. Has this titan of culture and intellect ever had any sort of interaction with real british people. That is to say those that live outside the (spit) metropolitan bubble?

    I rather doubt it.

    What is it (I really can’t tell) scared of?

    If I ever were to meet it and it started all this “woe us me, it’s because I’m desperate to act black innit” cockrot, my reaction would not be to shout, scream, attack or otherwise foam at the mouth. I would gently explain her extraordinary privilege and how few places there are on this earth that grant such to one like her.

    Sorry luv, we haven’t got any more privileges to grant.

    Try amazon, I’m sure they could find you something in blings of power alongside cur lenny henry

  6. Thinking about this again:

    “I’m black” – don’t care, can you act?
    “I’m gay” – don’t care, can you act?
    “I’m a woman” – don’t care, can you act?
    “You hate me” – projection, much? I don’t actually think I hate anyone, but if you can’t act then I won’t watch you perform. It doesn’t mean I hate you just that in my opinion you can’t act and I won’t pay to watch you. Likewise with singing, writing, painting, music, poetry and any other artform you care to name. If I have to pay for it, I chose.

    • That’s pretty much my response to Lenny Henry and the very diverse Lord of the Rings series. I’m not watching it. My choice. Makes me a racist apparently.

  7. Er…and how did she come to the conclusion …’my country hates me’? did she ask everyone. ‘My country hasn’t a clue who I am’ would be nearer the target.

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