More Popcorn

Whatever becomes of Twitter, the Musk takeover has been a joy to behold. I just love the doublespeak.

Gigi Hadid has become the latest celebrity to leave Twitter after tech mogul Elon Musk completed his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter last week.

On Saturday, the 27-year-old supermodel informed her 76.2 Instagram followers that she ‘deactivated’ her Twitter account due to ‘its new leadership.’

‘It’s becoming more and more of a cesspool of hate & bigotry, and its not a place I want to be a part of,’ she wrote on her Instagram Story.

No, sweetheart, that is what it has always been. A nasty cesspit of far left activism that actively stifled any dissenting voices. Now the other side is getting a say and you don’t like it.

Too bad.

I don’t know if the platform will survive or not and don’t care very much. I do care that it is being destroyed in its current form. I do care that the nasty fascists who thought it okay to censor and cancel others are now out on their ears and will have to get a proper job. I do care that they are getting a taste of what they were so willing to dish out to others for the crime of daring to hold a different opinion.

Fuck ’em. Fuck ’em all to hell and back.

More popcorn, please.


  1. Fuck ’em. Fuck ’em all to hell with no returns back.

    I suspect it worries many people that a right on political stance, firmly held, still doesn’t guarantee comfortable employment. Good gravy, the New York Times could become a newspaper again!

    Interestingly several media outlets are ‘fact checking’ the things that Biden says so perhaps they see the way the wind is blowing. My best guess (from thousands of miles away) is that the Republicans will gain control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and a lot of scores are going to be settled.

    • ’Good gravy, the New York Times could become a newspaper again!’

      Steady on! There’s such a thing as getting TOO carried away, you know….

    • Hopefully the Republicans gain both houses and then try to impeach Biden for being medically unfit.

      Then we can really enjoy the popcorn as the libs heads explode.

  2. Is this that king has no clothes moment?

    All of this “woke”, ” green” ingantilised lunacy is pure destruction of just about anything conducive to western (and just about any other) civilisation.

    Who the fuck, fuck, fuckity fucking fuck is gigi Hadid (ho hum, I just looked).

    The possibility that twatter will no longer be a cesspool of hate and bigotry and these creatures splutter rage and bile (incapable of anything else I suppose).

    Soshul meeja! Just kill it, kill it all


    A report by the Network Contagion Institute, an organization that monitors the spread of Hostile ideological content, there was an increase in the use of the n-word on Twitter within the first 12 hours after Musk took over.

    Amazing. The power of the guy. Within 12 hours of him owning the thing, all of Twitter’s legions of heroic Public Guardians were immediately turned to dust, unable to hold back the evil racist hordes.

    In a series of tweets, Twitter’s head of safety and integrity, Yoel Roth, explained that the platform’s policies on hateful conduct were still being applied.


    He claimed that “more than 50,000 tweets repeatedly,” that used a specific slur, were posted by only 300 accounts, which he claimed were “inauthentic” accounts that action had been taken and the platforms will continue to remove accounts involved in the “trolling campaign.”

    In other words, someone deliberately posted enough fake content to increase usage of that word on the platform by 1300%, making it appear as if the racists were on the rampage… before Musk even sat down. Hmm. I can’t imagine why anyone might do that.

    By the way, I may have mentioned that I don’t believe Elon is acting entirely off his own bat here; I suspect there’s a group within Twitter who were as sick of the previous management as the rest of us and suggested the idea to him. Going out even further on a limb, despite his heading the Safety and Integrity League, I’m beginning to think Roth might be one of the good guys.

  4. I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk sells twitter in 3 years for £200bn after fixing it.

    He is not an idiot.

    If that happens, imagine the collective explosion of heads on the left! 🙂

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