Kill It

Destroy it, burn it to the ground. Salt the earth.

The BBC risks ‘warping modern Britain’ by allowing its TV dramas to be blighted by politically correct bias in their stories, a new report has said.

A review of TV shows by the Campaign for Common Sense found that the BBC’s programmes portrayed a version of Britain unrecognisable to most viewers.

The corporation’s dramas regularly include critiques of capitalism, Brexit, the police and the government, with some described by the report as being close to propaganda.

Er, yes? And? This is why so many of us no longer have a TV licence. Why pay this organisation to ram its far left propaganda down our throats?

One show criticised in the new report was Vigil, a 2021 drama set on a nuclear submarine infiltrated by a Russian spy.

The programme depicts the government and security services covering up serious incidents.

An SNP councillor and anti-nuclear campaigner, Feargal Dalton, worked as a senior script consultant on the show.

Well, of course.

Meanwhile, EastEnders portrayed a character equating Brexit and coronavirus.

Letita Dean’s character Sharon Watts throws water in another character’s face, saying: ‘We’ve had Brexit and Covid, we don’t need you here.’

Because of course both are bad M’kay.

In police drama The Responder, which stars Martin Freeman, almost half of the police characters are black or Asian, despite Merseyside Police having 0.5 per cent black officers and 0.4 per cent Asian officers.

I did try watching this one. My sterling efforts lasted about fifteen minutes. It was bloody awful. Sheer dire, eye-bleeding awful – quite apart from the over representation of ethnics. But the Beeb isn’t the only guilty party here. See any modern drama for mixed race marriages, black senior police officers and medics and so on. You’d think that Britain was a black majority country watching the box.

A group of leading academics recently warned the BBC documentaries showed many examples of bias and allowed ‘politically motivated’ actors to present their view of British history as fact.

Which is why I don’t regard it as a reliable source. I did, once, a long time ago, but those days are gone.

A spokesman for the Campaign for Common Sense said: ‘Too often in BBC dramas you can see only one side of an argument presented.

‘And it’s usually the side of a liberal, Left-wing, woke viewpoint that has more in common with the echo chambers of Twitter than the majority of licence fee payers who are forced to fund the BBC’s output.

‘The BBC needs to understand that not everyone signs up to a world view where the bad guys are the police, Brexit, and Conservatives,’ The Telegraph reported.


A BBC spokesperson said: ‘The BBC’s world-class, critically-acclaimed dramas are enjoyed by huge audiences, year in year out.

‘We work with the very best creative talent who represent all corners of the UK and reflect different views and perspectives, while also providing brilliant entertainment and escapism.

‘Cherry-picking a handful of examples in thousands of hours of output does not constitute analysis and is not a true representation of BBC content.’

The tin ear on display tells us exactly why this vile organisation needs to be destroyed from the ground up.


  1. It doesn’t always work. They tried all this social inclusion bollocks in Dr Who for a couple of years and as I understand it 2/3rds of the viewers switched off

  2. It’s not just the BBC. I remember when Brian True-May was sacked as producer of Midsomer Murders a few years ago. To quote the Daily Mail, “The controversy erupted after he said he did not use black and Asian people in the series because ‘it wouldn’t be an English village with them’.”

  3. I recently watched a six part drama on something called Peacock. It was about terrorists who create a virus that destroys all the oil. After thousands of lives are lost and the shit hits the fan, it goes on to say that despaite this, the world became a much better place without oil and we were only still using such a ‘destructive’ form of energy, because Governments and oil companies were corrupt.
    It’s not just the BBC, TV in general has been infected by the woke

  4. We watched the first half series of Jodie Whittaker as Dr Who and haven’t watched it since. Peter Capaldi was dire, but Jodie Whittaker was just unwatchable. If we want to watch Dr Who, we rewatch the 9th, 10th and 11th doctors.

    • I gave up on that by the time it had reached David Tennant’s time in the role. I tried Capaldi and stuck it out, but when he left, I’d more than had enough.

        • David Tennant is but an amateur compared to the wide eyed staring of Robert O’Reilly, who played Gowron in Star Trek Deep Space 9 ( I think there were also some appearances in Next Generation)

  5. And on the commercial channels most adverts containing couples show them as mixed race. I’ve no problem with mixed race couples but there far fewer in Real Life, its almost(?) lifestyle placement rather than product placement.

  6. “An SNP councillor and anti-nuclear campaigner, Feargal Dalton, worked as a senior script consultant on the show.”

    Reeeeaaaallly? Well, well. I thought the BBC was “institutionally biased” against the Nats.

    Of course, it never was. Outside of electoral politics itself, no organisation bears more responsibility for the fustercluck that is Holyrood. It’s been calling its Scottish regional news show “your national news” (with the emphasis) since the early ’90s, treated the ludicrous Labour-led “Constitutional Convention” with totally undeserved gravitas (even the Nats themselves couldn’t be arsed with it), and jumped into line with the SNP’s (then) extra-legal rebranding of the “Scottish Government” in the very same bulletin that reported it.

    The BBC has long outlived what questionable usefulness it ever had.

  7. “…we were only still using such a ‘destructive’ form of energy, because Governments and oil companies were corrupt.”

    I’d like to challenge anyone who thinks that oil is evil to live for just a week without it. Everything, and I do mean everything that makes up modern life depends on it.

    If the criticism of the content of BBC dramas involved cherry picking, the spokesman should have been able to cite numerous examples of dramas where such criticisms were not valid.

  8. The Responder.
    When you say “Asian” I assume that you do not mean Mongol, Chinese, Tibetan, Thai, Malayan (I know), Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Filipino or any of the other invisible Asians on British Telly. Why are they so racist? Even Inuit?

  9. The UK and BBC are not alone in peddling ethnic nonsense. Here in New Zealand in the 7 years I have been here, I have noticed a rapid increase in the amount of Maori language used in TV and other media, despite very few speaking or understanding it. There is a persistent use of Aotearoa used in place of New Zealand.The failing Labour Government are hell bent on giving Maori control over more and more of the natural resources with no accountability to anyone else.

  10. It’s racism pure and simple.
    The soppy intellectuals thinks it’s “anti-racism” to discriminate against whites but it’s still racsim.

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