What’s the Inverse

of evolution?

Pupils at two schools in Essex have been banned from having any physical contact while at school.

Parents and carers at Hylands School in Chelmsford were told in a letter the ban included “any aggressive contact”, “hugging” and “holding hands”.

Southchurch High School in Southend wrote “students are not allowed to touch each other”, with performing arts, sport and PE the only exceptions.

Both schools said they had received positive feedback.

Positive feedback? Really? What happened to humanity? How on earth did we evolve into this?

“This includes any aggressive physical contact, hugging, holding hands, slapping someone, etc.

“This is in order to keep your child safe. If your child is touching somebody else, whether they are consenting or not, anything could happen.

“It could lead to an injury, make someone feel very uncomfortable, or someone being touched inappropriately.”

Yeah, anything can happen. Whole generations have managed to grow up with consensual touching, but this generation is to be shielded from even the most basic human contact because anything can happen.

Well, it’s like this – the school is responsible for policing bad behaviour, so if someone is slapped or otherwise bullied, then it is the school’s responsibility to deal with it. Not to punish the whole student body because of what might happen. These people are cretins who are determined to produce a generation of emotionally stunted individuals who cannot touch another.

Ms McMillan added that the school wanted children to “make really positive friendships” but did not “allow romantic relationships” on site.

I had a romantic relationship at school. No one got hurt, no one was physically abused, we just shared each other’s company. It was part of growing up and entering puberty. It was normal behaviour. Incidentally, we are now back in contact some fifty years later, which is interesting.


  1. “Both schools said they had received positive feedback”

    Received positive feedback from whom? And from how many?

  2. Some people just shouldn’t be allowed into any position of authority. Lunatics projecting their neuroses onto the world around them.

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