Isn’t It Interesting

Take a story, any story and then look to see what the Guardian take on it is.

The Road Dahl bowdlerising? reasonable people are appalled. Most of the media likewise. Gaby Hinsliffe at the Groan? It’s just a business decision, nothing to see here. Nope, not one iota of morality. Not one iota of understanding why this is a bad thing.

Then there’s Shemima Begum. This young woman left this country of her own accord. She joined a terror organisation of her own free will. She was involved with a brutal, murderous cult that systematically murdered thousands during its brief reign. Denying her a return home is a reasonable response. The Guardian? The courts bad, m’kay? She was a poor trafficked teenager with no agency – it was all someone else’s fault. It always is. You want a piss poor excuse for bad behaviour? The Groan will always oblige.

The Guardian is consistently misanthropic, miserabilist and anti humour to the point where it makes the puritans look positively jolly. It makes you want to slit your wrists just reading the drivel in its pages. Indeed, doing so sucks the life force out of anyone foolhardy enough to read it such is its contempt for the things that everyday people enjoy. However, its take on major stories is invariably deeply immoral. Indeed, if you ever want to do a double check on your own moral compass, look which way the Guardian is pointing and go in the opposite direction. Works every time.



  1. Compare and contrast:
    15 year old girl leaves her family, travels to Syria to join ISIS. She ends up having her citizenship revoked and is trapped in a refugee camp. In Guardian world the white supremacist, patriarchal British establishment is evil and broken beyond repair.

    15 year old girl decides she is no longer a girl but is now a bloke. Has breasts removed and undergoes hysterectomy. Guardian world: Celebrate good times, come on. It’s a celebration.

  2. “It’s just a business decision…”

    Staggering lack of self awareness. A lesson they could perhaps apply to themselves given the dismal lack of readers.

    Their hatred of (loath this term but I think it’s apt here) “ordinary people” comes from the darkest of dark places – pure envy.

    All of this disdain, spite, venom and determination to totally eradicate decency and civic society is because that’s what they really want – but only on their terms.

    If only “ordinary people” (that term encompasses all sorts of extraordinary people with all sorts of extraordinary abilities) would just acknowledge the guardianistas innate superiority, we would get along fine, but they simply won’t.

    So they must be destroyed.

    Marxism 1.01

  3. In the world of competitive virtue signalling it makes sense to get your excuses in first.

    And the true objective of the Grauniad? Perhaps to provide good employment to the favoured few (mostly white women of a particular social class, with the prejudices of that class).

  4. The Gruniad is a financial basket case, has been for decades. So… who is financing its continued existence and why?

    Serious questions, and the answers are there if you look hard enough.

    It’s like Der Stürmer in reverse, full of lies, half truths and blatant propaganda. Where the comparison fails is that Der Stürmer was actually genuinely popular.

    • “The Gruniad is a financial basket case, has been for decades. So… who is financing its continued existence and why?”

      Well, Billy Gates Gruff donates millions to the Graun. So there’s him. I can’t remember ever coming across a piece in the Graun that was critical of Gates. You don’t bite the hand…etc.

      The Graun is an unpleasant far-left rag. Its circulation must be under 100,000 by now, but it’s hard to be certain as the Graun chose to keep its circulation figures private from 2021.

      • “How did you go bankrupt?”
        “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

        – Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

        I do wish the Grauniad would hurry up.

        Then again, between the tax dodging of the (former?) Scott Trust and the recent trend of billionaires buying newspapers as platforms to spout their propaganda, maybe the Grauniad will never die, but simply continue on, vampyr-like draining the soul of the nation (at least of those bothering to pay any attention to its woke wittering).

        As for me? Like injecting Heroin, I’ll leave the world of Guardian readership to others with stronger constitutions.

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