Wakefield Caliphate

Read it and weep.

Last Wednesday, a student (who happens to be autistic) reportedly brought a copy of the Koran into school on a dare – his forfeit for losing a game of Call of Duty with his mates. On the school tennis court, they read aloud from it then walked back inside the school, where another kid knocked it out of their hands and on to the floor. For this, the four students were suspended, following a quick investigation. The police – naturally – were then called in. At the meeting on Friday, a policeman, introduced as chief inspector Andy Thornton, confirmed that the students’ treatment of the book has been recorded as a ‘hate incident’. This is despite the fact that the school has ruled that the students had ‘no malicious intent’. ‘[I]f more consequences have to be followed, that will be the case’, Tudor Griffiths, the school’s headteacher, told those gathered at the mosque – keen to reassure them that he took the issue seriously.

Unbelievably, it gets worse. While rumours swirled that the book had been burnt and spat on – in truth, it was barely damaged – the autistic boy at the centre of it all began to receive death threats. Yes, death threats – which, unlike disrespecting holy books, are actually (and legitimately) a criminal matter in the United Kingdom. But the students who issued these threats are off the hook. Akef Akbar, a councillor for Wakefield East, made this clear at the Friday meeting, sat next to the mother of the autistic student. ‘To her credit’, Akbar said, ‘she understands the situation and has advised the police that she does not want any of these children [who sent threats to her son] to be prosecuted, and she only asks that her son is not harmed’. ‘He’s absolutely petrified’, the mother, who is unnamed, told the meeting later on: ‘But I don’t want anybody to be prosecuted because of the stupidity of my son and his friends.’

Fucking Hell.


  1. Well if the primeval animals who believe they are on some grand
    crusade to set up this “Wakefield caliphte” – the depth of whose disgusting, seventh century savagery is only matched by their arrogance and supremacism – wake up one morning to find there is a wall around it, well, who ya gonna call?

    Nobody will be listening

    The more I see this sort of thing, the more convinced I become that this will happen.

  2. The people ‘in authority’ are terrified of upsetting the ‘religion of peace’. Supine weakness, as usual. I fear for my country and my grandsons.

  3. I want the children who threatened that child to be locked up for life.
    This is of course because we didn’t stand up to the Ayatollah in 1989 – the end of Britain as a free country.

  4. You make death threats to my kid and you die. I’m not taking any chances on matters as serious as that.

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