It’s A Simple Rule

When attending a luvviefest, talk about the film/book/play/TV programme, then shut up.

Emily in Paris star Lucien Laviscount had colourful language for the Conservative government as he walked the red carpet at the Academy Awards ceremony amid its row with Gary Lineker.

Two points – most people don’t care about your opinions and don’t want them shoved in their faces. The other is that in doing so, you potentially piss off a huge swathe of your fanbase.

Celebs’ opinions aren’t more special because they are celebs. Indeed, usually, they are worth less because they are so ill-informed. Lineker being a prime example here.

I detest the Tories, but if I was at an award ceremony, you wouldn’t hear a peep about it. Indeed, you wouldn’t know my political opinions because I would keep them to myself, which is how it should be, frankly.

And, no, this is not a free speech issue, it’s a cretin one.


  1. Everyone should be free to say what they like, but if you are a cretin, your cretinism will be on full display.

    Nobody ever asks these cretins what their alternative is, do they think that we should welcome anyone who arrives in the UK looking for a better life with open arms and chequebooks?

  2. Then you detest the Army. It was the Army sorting stuff out with African governments which is why we had soldiers staying here.

      • It’s the Army that’s in charge behind the scenes, not the Tories. Your beef is with the Army. If you detest the Tories, you detest democracy.

          • It’s a good job I’m not a cretin then isn’t it? The Army had African governments to answer to, because of Empire.

          • Reform wouldn’t be any different. They have to do as the Army say. Once the foreign soldiers and the immigrants (they went years ago) go, everything will be OK.

        • The Democracy we have in its current form is no democracy at all. Democracy sucks. Take a look at some of the horror shows waiting out Gregg’s on dole day and remind yourself that these people are allowed a day in choosing the next government.

          And yes, the once great British Army sucks as well.

    • “It’s the Army that’s in charge behind the scenes, not the Tories.”

      Excuse me a moment while I finish laughing.. I see that someone has left the gate open again at the idiot farm.

  3. Paul, I don’t know what you’ve been smoking, but I suggest that you quit while you are behind. It’s a long time since I’ve read such drivel, frankly. I simply cannot take this stuff seriously.

    • You don’t understand what I’m saying. It’s called international relations. Many people in the government are soldiers, and they work together with the Army on foreign policy to produce what we have today

      • This is evidence free assertion. You need to come up with some pretty compelling evidence, because you are so deep into tinfoil hat territory, you are going to need a compass and sextant to navigate your way out of it.

        • It’s obvious. The Government and the Army don’t want this – it’s the African armies wanting to make a point. It didn’t last too long – it was over and done with in about six months.

          • It’s not obvious at all. As for it being over, that’s delusional. I am seeing these people turning up regularly wanting CBT certificates so that they can deliver pizzas. Tell the hoteliers being asked to provide accommodation that it’s over. Tell the people living in the Kentish costal towns that it’s over.

            As I said, assertions are meaningless. Provide some evidence to back up your claims, otherwise that is all they are – evidence-free assertions. As conspiracy theories go, this one is a peach.

      • “You don’t understand what I’m saying. It’s called international relations. Many people in the government are soldiers, and they work together with the Army on foreign policy to produce what we have today”

        Like, the Ukraine you mean?

  4. If a Tory MP spoke about the Oscars, and stated that “Emily in Paris” was a rubbish film, and that Laviscount bloke can’t act, how long do you think it would take for Equity to complain and demand that politicians stick to politics?
    Actors are people who make money by speaking words given to them by other people. It’s when they use their own words that you realise that many are morons, darling.

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