Oh, Fuck Off!

Stick it up your arse.

The UK is set to test a frightening ‘Armageddon alarm’ within weeks which will see thousands of people’s phones flash and set off alarms.

Millions will hear an alarm sound from their phone and will receive warning text messages as part of the government’s new emergency alert system trial.

The system is designed to warn people if there is a ‘danger to life’ nearby, with the imminent testing to focus on flooding and extreme weather conditions.

The phone owner will then be given details of the emergency along with advice on what to do and how to seek help.

Fer Christ’s sake, will they never stop?

By the way, did I ever tell you about the wolf that keeps appearing at the end of the road?


  1. We already have such a system in the Netherlands which is tested on the first Monday of each month. Given that much of the country lies below sea level, it’s a necessity not that there are many hills to which one can flee to seek refuge.

  2. It isn’t about floods, it’s about testing a system to warn us when the Russian nukes start flying, since the government seems intent on dragging us into a war. Mostly to distract from the coming economic catastrophe – bank runs starting in US and these things tend to spread these days.

    Though I don’t know what we’re meant to do if the mushrooms do start popping up…

  3. Curiously the woman whose name must not be said aloud (Alexa) has started dropping notifications from the Met Office (widespread snow and ice in my area), plus an Environmental Agency warning about floods in my specific village. I assume that it is part of the same government plan.

    I’m not particularly bothered about *these* notifications – I just hope they don’t turn into life style advice or music to perform daily calisthenics to.

  4. Will any verbal warning be voiced by Corporal Jones shouting”Don’t panic!!!!” or similar?

  5. Would you believe anything the government told you?
    They will not tell you anything really bad for fear of causing panic. It will be used for “nudging”.
    The banks are going bust. An asteroid is coming. All the toilet paper factories have burned down.

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