We Never Intended

Ha! Given that it was obvious, I’m not convinced. Indeed, I suspect that the poisonous ESG scores were at the bottom of this catastrophe.

The US CEO of Bud Light parent company Anheuser-Busch has broken his silence to address polarization over the company’s marketing partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

‘We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,’ said CEO Brendan Whitworth in a public statement issued on Friday.

‘We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.’

No. Your business is to brew and sell beer. That’s it. It is not your business to lecture customers on right-think. As it turned out, your customers are now lecturing you and this is a good thing. ESG is a thoroughly toxic idea. A business has no business involving itself in politics of any kind. Produce your product or service, sell it for a fair price and say ‘thank you for your custom.’ That’s it. When it comes to employing people, recruit the best for the job and incentivise them to stay – personally I would reject any CV that had the person’s preferred pronouns because I know that they would be trouble. I see it a a perfect filtering system and they are providing the service for free.

It’s a bit like celebrities opening their mouths to vent on a political issue – it divides. It will always divide. Do what you are paid to do and shut the fuck up about your values and belief systems and leave customers to theirs – likewise in the workplace. No one cares how you live your life outside of work, just don’t bring it into work and expect everyone to go along with it.

If you really thought that you didn’t mean to divide, then you are a cretin. As it is, I don’t drink so this is moot to me, but if you do, keep up the boycott because the pain is beginning to show.


  1. Environmental Social and Governance in case anyone is wondering. Firms flaunting their right on credentials instead of focusing on their core business.

    I don’t drink Budweiser so this is moot to me too.

  2. “The only credentials a business should have is the quality of their product. Nothing else.” Unfortunately Anheuser-Busch has nothing else. Their product, sold under the false name of “beer” is gnat’s piss.

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