Let the Children Come to Me

With apologies to Matthew (19:14), this is exactly what the new religion is doing. Indoctrinating the youth. It’s what power hungry zealots always do.

You want to go vegan to help the planet, but you’re not paying for the shopping. You think trains are better than planes, but your dad books the summer holiday.

Young people are some of the world’s most powerful climate leaders and want rapid action to tackle the problem.

It makes a lot of sense. Higher temperatures and rising sea levels will impact the youngest alive today far more than older generations. But the power to act is often still in the hands of older people, including parents.

Big changes are difficult, especially when they involve other people. Where do you begin? For this year’s Earth Day, we spoke to people who have successfully had tricky climate chats at home. Here are their top tips:

This is the ‘impartial’ BBC here, representing this codswallop as if it is indisputable fact. Of course, a decent parent will take the time to sit down and debunk all this claptrap with reason, logic and evidence. Indeed if you send your children to a state school (and some private ones) you will have a full time job on your hands deprogramming them when they get home, as they will be bombarded with this stuff.

Perhaps the greatest gift a parent can give a child is the exercise of critical thinking. After all, a critical thinker will not be taken in by fifty years of failed prophesies, a slight increase in a life giving gas being a poison and men changing sex to become women. They will be able to assess an argument on its merits and have the intellectual capacity to challenge false ones with reason, evidence and logic.

There is no climate crisis. We do not need to go vegan – although in some cases the train is better than flying as it depends on the journey. Indeed, travelling from Bristol to Glasgow can be conducted in much the same time by road, having avoided the delays, the waiting around and the security theatre, but that’s another story.

So, there you have it – have that conversation and if you succeed, you will put a spanner and a handful of sand in the works of the wokery. Job done.

Oh and fuck Earth day.


  1. I brought my children up to have a healthy disrespect for authority. Back in my formative years, it was a reasonable approach, but in current times it is absolutely essential as there are very few politicians, public “servants”, and coppers who wouldn’t benefit from a bullet between their ears.

    • My healthy disrespect morphed into absolute hatred and contempt years ago. I despise them all as the enemy and treat them accordingly.

      There was a time when I believed that the BBC was a reliable source. Not any more. It is pure propaganda and the covid era put the seal on that.

  2. Hm The Queen awakened my daughter when she told her that she was selfish for not dutifully queuing up for Bill’s medical experiment, since then she’s been a regular on the freedom marches and has become quite involved in countering the propaganda, covid climate you name it, she’s one of very few in her mid to late 30’s age group.
    It wasn’t my doing, she approached me about the recent medical scam and was relieved to find SWMBO and myself staunch antis, her mother sadly swallowed the govt/medical/wef propaganda hook line and sinker.

    Shame about those rising sea levels, i’ve seen numerous pictures from a hundred or more years ago and the same view present day showing identical tide marks.
    Shall we have a crowd fund for Saint Obama to cover the loss of his sea front mansion when it slips into the ocean?…methinks they talk bollocks.

  3. “…if you send your children to a state school (and some private ones) you will have a full time job on your hands deprogramming them when they get home, as they will be bombarded with this stuff.”

    This has been happening for some time. My daughter (26) believes in the climate crap, she is fairly amenable to reason so she is a moderate believer who is fairly open to reason. I told her that she will live long enough to realise that I was right. When she is my age and thermaggeddon still hasn’t occurred I think that she will catch on.

    The BBC’s relentless pushing of this nonsense is a disgrace. As I say above, the truth will assert itself in its own time. It will be interesting to see how the BBC manage to back pedal on the issue when it does.

  4. And kids don’t fork out for the TV tax – their parents do!

    Luckily, the dreadful bunch of wokes in W1AA will have to be privateky funded by the time many kids are on their own, so that rubbish being chucked around by these BBC ‘experts'(!) will come back and bite them in the backside!

    • It’s also worth bearing in mind that many youngsters just don’t watch TV, so have no need for a licence. I stopped funding the BBC because I fail to see why I should pay people who hate me.

      • My mid twenties daughter and her boyfriend have a television, a really big one in fact, but I don’t think that they ever watch the BBC. The thing now seems to be subscription services like Netflix, they have several that cover different content, and also You Tube. I always thought that the licence fee became an anachronism once multi channel TV came out, it is even more so now. This is especially true as the technology now exists for the BBC to be available on subscription. Let those who want to watch it pay for it. You can see why the BBC and the government are so in favour of the status quo.

        A modern problem for the TV licence goons is that, unlike twenty years ago when almost everyone had a television and there was a very limited field of non licence holders to police, there are now millions who either don’t have a TV or have one but object to paying for a service that they never use.

  5. I thought we needed global warming to counter the new ice age predictions which were all the rage in the 1970s. Of course it’s all bollocks. Whenever have their hysterical predictions of climate catastrophy ever come true?

  6. I had to smile when reading the part of Dad booking the summer holiday. The daughter of a good friend of mine, turned into a “save the planet”, vegan, fascist while at university and, as he told me, “making life hell for the rest of the family.”
    During her latest break, the subject of a summer family holiday arose, and he told his daughter that, instead of going to Turkey as originally planned, they were cutting down on their carbon emissions, and were all going camping, in Wales, showing her the gear (borrowed from a neighbour) stored in the garage. For some reason, none of the family have been regaled with planet saving policies since. He hasn’t cancelled the Turkey holiday, but hasn’t told his daughter, and the rest of the family are sworn to secrecy. Ex military really do have a good sense of humour.

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