Thick Racist Cow

The Abbopotomus.

Diane Abbott withdraws remarks about racism she made in letter to the Observer

Labour MP Diane Abbott has tweeted that she withdraws remarks she made which were printed in the Observer letters page, regarding racism. In the letter, Abbott had sought to make a distinction between what she described as the “prejudice” that some white groups including Jewish, Irish and Travellors experience, and the “racism” that impacts on Black people.

As is usual for this stupid woman, she spoke without thinking it through, although thinking is beyond her, it seems. The original letter demonstrates her rampant ignorance.

Tomiwa Owolade claims that Irish, Jewish and Traveller people all suffer from “racism” (“Racism in Britain is not a black and white issue. It’s far more complicated”, Comment). They undoubtedly experience prejudice. This is similar to racism and the two words are often used as if they are interchangeable.

It is true that many types of white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice. But they are not all their lives subject to racism. In pre-civil rights America, Irish people, Jewish people and Travellers were not required to sit at the back of the bus. In apartheid South Africa, these groups were allowed to vote. And at the height of slavery, there were no white-seeming people manacled on the slave ships.

Quite apart from reducing the racism suffered by Jewish people to a ‘meh,’ her statement that white people have not been manacled in slave ships is false. The Barbary trade went on for around three hundred years, overlapping with the Atlantic trade. Whole communities were seized and sold into slavery in Africa. Fishing villages became ghost towns along the southern coasts of Ireland, England, the Iberian peninsular and France.

So, once again this obnoxious woman demonstrates a lack of historical knowledge and her own underlying racism. The only reason someone his thick and toxic got to her position in public life is because of racism.


  1. So the signs, long gone, saying, “No Blacks, no Irish, no dogs” were racist towards the Blacks but only prejudicial to the Irish?

  2. …and when people asserted that “All lives Matter” the smug reply was “Only Black Lives Matter”. The “Only” was usually unvoiced but implied.

  3. You are correct when you say that the Abbottpotamus is wrong about white people having never been manacled on slave ships. And, yes, the Abbottpotamus is often racist when it comes to white people. However, I hate to say that I agree with her on one point. If a white Englishman were to treat a white Irishman in a prejudicial way, that would not be racism, as they are both of the same race – white. It would be prejudice and discrimination, yes, but not racism.

    Do you remember about 20 years ago when Anne Robinson said on some TV programme that she hated the Welsh? She was accused of racism despite the fact that the English and Welsh are different nationalities, not different races. (Over 90% of Welsh people are white.) Robinson was (quite rightly) cleared of racism by the TV watchdog.

  4. I’ve just seen a TV ad about some nonsense to do with Stephen Lawrence. My immediate thought was, good grief are they still banging on about that? Yes they are it seems.

  5. Give her plenty more publicity. Had Corbyn won the election she would have been Home Sec, now that would have been a frightening prospect. Every time this idiot opens her mouth more and more people stop voting Labour.

  6. Didn’t Abbopotamus demand that parents send their children to the nearest school, irrespective of it’s standards, while sending her child/children to a better school on the other side of London, on the grounds that “Carribean women look after their children”? Implying that non Carribean women don’t do that, is a massive racist comment. However, having the political protection of Corbyn, nothing was done about that. This disgusting person really is a waste of oxygen.

  7. I’d go further and say that the only group subjected to ‘institutional racism’ as I define it – which is purposeful discrimination by a person or institution are whites – who are deliberately discriminated against in terms of application consideration by certain bodies like the Met police and who increasingly are discriminated against across the board at work. So her stupidity is even more on display. As you mention she would be nowhere without her gender or her race so for her to complain about that illustrates an extraordinary lack of self- awareness.

  8. It’s always nice to see race-baiters hoist by their own petard.

    Low IQ, low impulse control, low morality Abbot is so utterly revolting, both inside and out, that even the most committed anti-racist would be tempted to call her any number of now proscribed names and join the Klan.

    I hope someone, somewhere, is having a very good look at her expenses. I would put good money on her being a thief, seeing as she has no qualms with hypocrisy, lying, pride or arrogance, despite having zero discernable talents.

    Oh, and Diane, do something about those ridiculous plastic wigs.

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