It’s Over!

Praise God.

Monkeypox is no longer a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said, almost a year after the threat was raised.

Oh. Right. That emergency. The one no one noticed because it was insignificant and only affected a very small percentage of the population. Yes, that one. Well, it’s now over, so be satisfied with that. You will have to be terrified by the next artifically created pandemic tomorrow. Be scared. Be very scared. Hide under the table. Put a mask on. Cross the street to avoid people. Report your neighbour to the police because he walked his dog twice in one day. Carry on citizen.


  1. Perhaps you should also avoid mass shagging with all the other blokes at the baths?

  2. Haven’t you heard? Long Covid is the big deal now. Obviously there can be no connection at all between mysterious long term symptoms and using experimental injections on people, that would be ridiculous. Were it to be discovered that the refuseniks were completely unaffected I’m sure that the press and the BBC will be able to label any findings as fake news and put everyone’s minds at rest.

    • I don’t think it’d be labelled as fake news.
      More likely some evil right wing conspiracy and anyone who isn’t suffering from the non-existant vaccine side effects would be labelled as a right wing lunatic/nazi/Hitler/second coming of Thatcher, to be reported to the benevolent authorities at the first opportunity.

  3. Monkey Pox was “over” as soon as it was found that this disease passed on by “Men having sex with men” was also being found in dogs and children.

    “How exactly had the dogs and children become infected by this disease” you might well ask? Answers came there none.

    They tried rebranding it as MPox, but by then the game was already over.

  4. But, but, the latest scare strategy appears to be the increased risk of future pandemics because of climate change. A twofer of scare tactics.

    Strange how nobody bangs on about the risk of pneumonia because houses are not heated properly.

  5. Does that mean aids isn’t a problem any more?

    Thank goodness for that, I’m sure the BBC would have liked to connect President Trump with all those issues, but maybe they’ll ask that funny old Mr Biden what he thinks – if he actually is capable of such an action…

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