Andrew Pierce details the latest case of targeting by trans activists.
Falkner, whose German-born husband Robert is an academic at the London School of Economics (LSE), was accused of being a ‘Nazi’ who was dehumanising trans people.
She was also branded ‘transphobic’, ‘scum’, a ‘bigot’ and a ‘fascist’ but it was the term Nazi that really stung.
Boilerplate stuff, frankly. I can detect what they are going to say before they say it, it’s so tediously predictable.
Bear in mind that these people have nothing to argue with, so personal attacks, accusations of hate and ignorance and perverting science into a twisted religious cult is all they have.
The latest piece of idiocy I have seen from these cretins is that the moray eel changes sex. As does the clownfish. Ergo, sex is not immutable. Now, as any fule no, these species are not mammals. Mammals are sexually dimorphic. One member of a species has large gametes and the other has small ones. The usual response to this statement is that this is ignorance, because science changes. It doesn’t. We make new discoveries, but whatever advances we make in our understanding of genetic anomalies, none of them will show us that mammals are anything other than sexually dimorphic. You don’t have to be a biologist to understand this, merely a mammal seeking a member of the opposite sex. It is, after all, how mammals procreate.
So we have the usual array of fallacies and passive-aggressive insults.
Familiarise yourself with the current science = a refusal to accept that intersex is now evidence that we have a third gender.
Ignorance = a refusal to go along with the gaslighting and propaganda.
Transphobe/hater = dares to stand up to my bullying behaviour.
Good for Falkner for standing up to them. She is not alone. The silent majority are behind her on this one.
My question is what do the puppeteers behind these unquestioning trans activists want to get out of all this furore? Because if it is another example of tearing down society so that something glorious may arise from the ashes… well that deserves a very robust response.
Clownfish change gender without any surgery – can trans people do the same?
But in Jurassic Park, the dinosaurs change sex because frog do too, so that completely refutes your argument because science!
So there!
But all the dinosaurs became extinct, so just wait long enough and all these people who have sterilised themselves will become extinct as well.
I think their personalities will do that job all on their own!