How Many?

Bud Light continues to spiral around the plughole. Meanwhile, Target has been forced to remove QWERTY propaganda from its shelves following a backlash and now North Face is at it.

After Bud Light and Target, The North Face has become the latest American brand to face a boycott for promoting Pride. 

The company’s Summer of Pride ad was released yesterday on its Instagram page and has already drawn ire from conservative consumers.

The commercial features drag queen ‘Pattie Gonia’ telling consumers to ‘come out… in nature with us!’ and declaring themselves  a ‘real life homosexual!’

It’s almost as if someone in the company looked at Bud Light and said ‘hold my beer.’ What part of keep your political issues out of my shopping basket do these companies not get? No one cares about the gays any more. No one ever cared about transvestites either. It was always a case of do as you like, but don’t frighten the horses. But that wasn’t good enough. They have to keep rubbing our noses in their sexuality. Now people have had enough and are pushing back. A boycott is the easiest way of doing this. Simply avoid giving these people your money. Hit them on the bottom line. And if Bud Light wasn’t enough to get the message across, well, consumers will have to keep doing it until someone, somewhere goes bust as a consequence. Then they might get the message – people want to buy goods and services, not a political message.


  1. The North Face bod looks a right bugger (not as i’m an oil painting), what on earth were they thinking, was the final source of common sense on the last rocket ship which blew itself to pieces?

  2. Wasn’t North Face the brand that was making a big thing about not doing business with the oil industry? They ended up looking a bit stupid when it was pointed out to them what the synthetic fibres that make up their products are made from.

  3. The word I’ve been looking for is ‘proportionality’. People in this country generally don’t care for ‘activists’ (whether trans, Just Stop Oil, woke censorship of media, demonisation of the Right, more latterly Lockdowns, anti-sugar, anti-salt, anti-tobacco, anti-vape) because the activists do not act proportionately.

    If something is generally harmful, put it right. Don’t require people to put on singlets at dawn and exercise to Our Glorious Leaders choice of music.

    I blame Tony Blair (boo! hiss!) for spending a disproportionate amount of time and effort banning fox hunting. He set the pattern for people with an axe to grind.

  4. You can add Miller Lite and Starbucks in India to the list. Surely they must realise by now that pushback and boycotts by consumers is a real thing? They are to be complemented on having so much business they can afford to alienate the majority of their customer base.

  5. I deliberately seek out businesses that don’t do this crap.
    What I don’t get, is the big businesses that don’t sell to the public flying lgbtqiabbq flags.
    Drive past any of the Airbus facilities in the country, there will be a pride flag flying during “pride month”.
    Is the Lgbtqiabbqrsvp community a big purchaser of A320s?

  6. They don’t care about profits or shareholders anymore, it’s all about stakeholders, cunts and twats.

    • If being woke isn’t working then aiming for UltaWoke will perhaps do the trick. You would think that smart people would realise the fallacy – but then Labour have been doing this for years.

      This time it will be different!

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