Up Yours

At least that is what it appears Boris is saying here.

Boris Johnson committed a “clear breach” of rules on former ministers taking up new jobs by telling an appointments body he was becoming a Daily Mail columnist only half an hour before the public announcement, the watchdog has said.

The former prime minister was unveiled as a new writer for the newspaper, a platform he is expected to use to be a thorn in the side of Rishi Sunak.

However, Johnson has become embroiled in a fresh breach of the ministerial code after it emerged that he had waited until almost the last moment before the public announcement to inform the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (Acoba).

But he resigned from the commons and is no longer an MP, let alone a minister, so er it’s all a bit moot. Given that, I guess two fingers held aloft is the best response. I’d do the same. Tell ’em to do one. And when they’ve done it, do it again and keep doing it. There’s much to criticise the man for, but his willingness to prick the pomposity of these jerks earns him some little bit of respect back from me. Not much, I grant you after the way he managed covid and his net zero bullshit, but just a smidgen here.


  1. That twat will never get the slightest respect from me. He’s a warmonger with more blood on his hands than Blair. Thanks to him scuppering peace talks between Russia and the Ukraine, around half a million Ukranian lives have been lost for nothing. The Ukraine will be destroyed and any negotiations will then be on Russia’s terms.

    • Utter nonsense Ripper.

      Russia’s terms in this have and always will be unacceptable. The best way of dealing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine is to push the Russian scum back behind their 2014 borders, erect a strong border wall/fence and make Ukraine part of NATO to prevent a recurrence.

      An iron fist to the face is the only language the Russians understand.

      • Bullshit. The nazi Banderite faggots in the Ukraine, the USA/EU/UK and especially NATO are getting their arses handed to them on a plate, and rightly so. This time next year there won’t be a Ukraine and Russia will be calling all the shots, just as it could right now. The collective West’s hegemony is gone, they can do nothing except spout complete shit like the warmongering idiots they are.

        Russia didn’t ‘invade’ it went in under article 5 of the UN treaty because the USA interference and regime changing in 2014 posed a threat to Russia’s existence itself. It would do you good to read up on a bit of history, namely the Maidan massacre, Stepan Bandera, UN article 5 and Minsk1 and Minsk2 before ra-ra-ing a fascist junta who have been relentlessly shelling their own population for the last 10 years.

  2. Bo Jo wil do what is best for Bo Jo and only what is best for him. The rest of the country and the world can go hang.

    But there again, he is a politician so the same criticism can be levelled at all of them.

  3. Doris is clearly a buffoon. However what I read here was that Boris has an obligation to inform them prior to a public announcement and he did so. If they wanted more than 5 minutes notice the obligation should state the KPIs. everyone does this all the time, meet the obligations but not the intent but that isn’t Doris’s issue. Fuck em.

  4. The Tories are self-destructing at an alarming rate. They have shot themselves in the foot so many times since gaining power they are rapidly running out of ammunition.
    I’ve got no sympathy for them and they deserve to be wiped out at the next election but we will suffer even more when the idiot Starmer gains power next time.

  5. With their kangaroo court ruling, they’ve treated BoJo with contempt. I have no problems with him returning the feeling with prejudice. A parliament that is contemptible deserves to be held in contempt.

  6. What concerns me is not that they broke the rules they made, so much as why did the person with evidence has left it so late to squeal. If the person was disgusted with the rule breaking, a lot who obeyed the rules, or were fined for breaking them, are, then why not report them to the police at the time. It is no doubt either a planned attack on Boris or just pure profiteering by selling to newspaper. This dispicable rat is somewhere, walking the corridors of power, either an MP or civil servant. They took footage, photos deliberately and they need to be brought to account as well.
    Also the opposition should have been querying the rules brought in.
    Lots of people, mainly elderly lost their lives, worse thing was their families were kept from them and not able to have proper funerals. Would have been better if people concerned were told the risks and signed a waiver so care homes could have let families in.
    Boris will come up smelling of roses somewhere else, doubt we’ve heard the last of him. If covid hadn’t happened the party would have got rid of him earlier.
    With the political parties the way they are dread to think what the next election will be like.

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