
Gotta groom.

Schoolchildren are being taught about anal sex and orgasms before they have reached puberty and set ‘masturbation’ as homework, secretive lesson plans reveal.

Many teachers are ‘indoctrinating’ children with scientifically false claims about biological sex, presenting gender as fluid and furthering a narrative that people can be born in the wrong body.

It comes as the NHS is facing a mass legal action from 1,000 families who claim their children were rushed into taking life-changing puberty blockers’ by the Tavistock Centre.

MailOnline has found graphic teaching material — including a sex manual for pre-teens — being taught to children in classes around the UK.

What follows is little more than porn. I have no problem with appropriate sex education that is also age appropriate – and that means not prepubescent primary age children. I was taught the basics at school when I was in my teens. It was factual and appropriate for our age group and did not involve such things as anal sex, masturbation or alphabet porn or trans ideology.

The propaganda we see here is designed for one purpose and one purpose only – the indoctrination of children. It’s grooming and those responsible should be facing criminal charges. These people make Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile look like the good guys.


  1. The pushback is coming. See Anheuser Busch for details.

    Normal people are completely fed up with this clap-trap. But where their kids are involved, excepting mentally unhinged (usually) single mothers who obsess over the latest tik-tok fad, parents become super defensive. I suppose the only upside of mass Islamic immigration is that they will not tolerate this shite one little bit.

    It’s none of my business who shags whom and how, so long as it doesn’t affect me. I wish the alphabet mafia would respect that, and stop trying to get me to not just agree with their disgusting hobby, but actively promote it. Not interested, shag who you want, don’t involve me in it, and especially not my kids/grandkids.

    I do not constantly bang on about how heterosexual I am. They appear to be solely defined by their sexuality.

    What a sad, empty existence.

    • We have gone from the love that dare not speak it’s name to the love that won’t shut the fuck up going on about it. Yes, that’s how they define themselves and they are too dim to get it that everyone else is going from not caring to wanting the throttle them. The sight of the rainbow flag just makes me feel sick now.

      • We’ve gone from ‘what happens in the bedroom is no concern of anyone else’ to being dragged into the bedroom and ordered to applaud.

    • ”I do not constantly bang on about how heterosexual I am. They appear to be solely defined by their sexuality.”

      Perfectly put, my thoughts entirely.

      These people won’t be satisfied until they’ve got their hands on young children for their own purposes, i’m sure back in my youth had such things been gooing on a severe senir officer would have sent vanloads of equally disgusted coppers to arrest and handcuff everyone responsible for this crap.

      Just as an aside, I was a reader and sometimes commenter of the late Anna Raccoon’s site, enough of which as been saved for future readers by one of her friends, she made extensive inquiries and analysis of the Jimmy Savile cases, disproving multiple alleged events as impossible to have happened, she was a resident of one of the homes mentioned in her late youth, it might make interesting reading if one has an hour or two to spare to peruse her writing.

      • I remember reading Anna’s blog at the time. I am not remotely surprised that she identified inconsistencies. Hardly surprising given the time lapse involved and there were always going to be people latching on for a bit of the action. Likewise, I am dubious about the safety of Rolf Harris’ convictions. Doesn’t mean they didn’t do it, though.

    • Got out of the Tube this morning to see one of those TfL posters displaying a Jodi Picoult book extract about the trans lifestyle…

      It’s everywhere now.

      • Trans lifestyle?

        You mean plagued by mental illness, physically mutilated, spiritually ship-wrecked, medicated, narcissistic and utterly incapable of forming normal relationships of any sort?

        I think that about sums it up ?

    • “I do not constantly bang on about how heterosexual I am. They appear to be solely defined by their sexuality.”

      You hit the nail on the head. Bear in mind Stonewall’s slogan “Some people are gay. Get over it.” The irony being that the people who are unable to “get over it” are Stonewall themselves. Forever banging on about their sexuality. All. The. Fucking. Time. I wish they’d stop. It’s become very tiresome.

  2. I was taught the basics at school when I was eight. One film, with no input from the teachers at all. (I went to an independent school and now I think about it today, it was probably a legal requirement for which they did the absolute minimum neccessary. We didn’t hear any more about That Kind of Thing until we started Biology at 13.) It blew my mind. I had no idea. And I know, from talking to my classmates at the time, that I wasn’t alone. It certainly cleared up a few mysteries, but most of us thought it was icky.

    “What follows is little more than porn.”

    Bad, creepy, porn at that.

    • Sam,

      First I heard of it was in 2nd year senior, so twelve years old. Just the basic mechanics.

      I was amazed. I literally didn’t know. I thought that a woman went to the chemist when she wanted a baby, and the chemist gave her tablets to make her pregnant, because everytime I was in the chemist with my mom I saw pregnant women or women with babies in a stroller.

      Ahh, the innocence of youth eh? Long since evaporated, unfortunately.

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