Based Kid

This teacher needs to be dismissed.

A ‘woke‘ teacher has come under fire after telling a pupil she should ‘go to a different school’ for rejecting a classmate’s claim that she identified as a cat.

The pupil said she was made to stay after class by the teacher, who can be heard in a secret recording calling her view that gender is binary ‘really despicable’ and ‘very sad’.

In the three-and-half-minute recording, the angry teacher, who the Mail is not naming, said they would report the girl to a senior colleague, and she needed a ‘proper educational conversation about equality, diversity and inclusion’.

The recording at Rye College in East Sussex begins with the teacher asking the pupil: ‘How dare you? You just really upset someone, saying things like [you] should be in an asylum.’

The girl responds: ‘I didn’t say that, I just said if they want to identify as a cow or something, then they are genuinely unwell, and they’re crazy.’

That kid is spot on. The teacher is so far out of line, disciplinary action is the only appropriate response, followed by dismissal.

‘You were questioning their identity,’ the teacher replies. ‘Where did you get this idea from that there are only two genders?’

This fuckwittery is going on in a school near you. The adults in the room don’t understand or are denying biology.

‘I just said my opinion,’ the pupil replies. ‘If I can respect their opinion, can’t they respect mine?’ The teacher goes on to assert there are ‘lots of genders’ including ‘transgender’ and ‘agender’.

She then links the girl’s gender-critical attitude with ‘homophobia’, adding: ‘It is not an opinion… if you don’t like it, you need to go to a different school’.

In this, she is right, it is not an opinion, it’s biological fact. Well done for the girl for standing up to this arrant nonsense. There are only two sexes, men and women, male and female. This is not an opinion, nor is it a belief.

Rye College was yesterday bombarded by thousands of angry social media messages after the recording went viral.

As we have discussed elsewhere, ordinary people are losing tolerance for this shit and that’s a good thing.


  1. This teacher could idntify as a donkey and get away with it. Apologies to all donkeys of the four legged variety.

  2. “Well done for the girl for standing up to this arrant nonsense”

    Absolutely – it actually made me think there IS some hope for the future…

  3. It’s Pythonesque now. If it were not so serious it would be hilarious.

    The sad thing is, for every based kid there are five that swallow this shit, utterly incapable of critical thinking.

    This identifying as an animal is a prelude to the decriminalization of bestiality. Seriously.

  4. What the girl in question should have asked is what dose the school do for the pupil who identifies as a cat ? Dose the canteen have cat food on the lunchtime menu ? Do all the classroom doors have cat flaps ? Dose the school provide litter trays ? And so on the real question is so the pupil who identifies as a cat is a cat ok then why do they go to school as that is not something cats do.

  5. Discovered Joys,

    Those that can, do.
    Those can’t, teach.
    Those that can’t teach, teach P.E.

    ‘Twas ever thus.

    • I teach. And I can certainly perform what I teach, to a high standard. I am more than happy when teaching to carry out demonstrations for student to follow. But, then, I’m in adult education, so maybe that’s different.

      On that note, an aside. When boarding the ferry at Liverpool, I noted just how few riders could control their machines efficiently at low speed. I saw plenty of goony bird take-offs and landing, piss poor clutch and brake control and very few feet up slow speed rides going on. If people wanted to improve their skills, I could have made a killing.

      • Like I said LR, those that can do. You are obviously one of them.

        Not slighting your professional skills.

        • I didn’t take it as such. It’s a fairly common trope. I did make the distinction that I teach adults – in that case, you have to have the necessary experience to be able to pass on the relevant skills and knowledge and as mentioned, I sometimes have to demonstrate as part of the training.

          • Yup LR, the older I get, the more I realise I know nothing.

            But I can tell arse from quim, unlike these freaks.

      • “I teach. And I can certainly perform what I teach, to a high standard.”

        My piano teacher certainly can.

  6. The girl’s gender critical views are a protected belief in England so, by calling her views “despicable” and likening them to “homophobia”, surely the teacher is guilty of a “hate crime”. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the police to investigate.

  7. That the College is part of the Aquinas trust imparts more than a touch of irony to the situation; Thomas Aquinas, a lifelong proponent of polite and reasoned debate, developed a philosophy in the thirteenth century which effectively resolved the long-standing and bitter conflict in education between the teachings of theology (belief) and natural philosophy (science) by allowing them to coexist as complementary elements in a full education.

    ‘We must treat with kindness both those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have laboured in the search for truth and both have helped us in the finding of it.”
    Aristotle, quoted by Thomas Aquinas

  8. I identify as a duck.
    Ducks are not liable for tax under UK law.

    I look forward to my rebate for all my tax from HMRC…

  9. It was never like that when the place was a very special Rye Grammar School, with incredibly high standards…

    Mr Jacobs, Miss Turner and co would be turning in their graves at this ridiculous state of affairs! And there would also be a few clips around the ears!

  10. When it comes down to it, when someone says ‘I identify as…’ what they are saying is ‘I pretend to be…’

    Pretending can be fine if not taken too seriously, games or acting for instance. In life though, pretending that you are something that you are not is generally seen as a character flaw and certainly not as a recipe for a happy life. If someone wants to identify as whatever or whom ever they want to, that’s fine by me. Just don’t get all aggressive and shouty because I mistake you for something else.

  11. Have missed the cutoff now, but if I remember next year I will have a go at registering a cat that identifies as a human for a primary school place with my local authority. Will be fun to see how many knots they can tie themselves in as I know for a fact there is a similar ‘cat girl’ case in the local area.

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