Circling the Plughole

Seriously, our civilisation is heading to self destruction.

Spouses who refuse to fund their partner’s gender surgery may be domestic abusers, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) says in new guidance.

The CPS has listed nine types of behaviour which could amount to abuse of trans or non-binary people by their partners or members of their family.

These include “withholding money for transitioning,” which would include either spouse refusing to pay for gender surgery, counselling or other treatment in a way that amounted to coercive control or abuse.

Other behaviours could be “criticising the victim for not being ‘a real man/woman’ if they have not undergone reassignment surgery,” or “threatening or sharing pre-transition images,” or refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun.

In what mad parallel universe is this even considered, let alone getting this far? These behaviours are not, by any stretch of the imagination, abusive or controlling behaviour. It would have been like me demanding that the late Mrs L fund my latest motorcycle. Yes, that sounds trite – but that is the only way you can view this absolute insanity. The CPS is supposed to be a serious organisation overseeing prosecutions for criminal acts, not furthering an insane ideology. Not wanting to fund elective surgery is not domestic abuse and in no way should be treated as knocking your spouse about.

The guidance has, however, been criticised by the Women’s Rights Network (WRN), which campaigns for the sex-based rights of women.

Some sanity.

“Gender identity is what you know your gender to be and can only be decided by the individual for themselves,” said the guidance. Gender identity might be the same as assigned sex (cisgender) or different to assigned sex (trans).

This from the CPS. The people who decide whether to prosecute someone for a crime. Be afraid, very afraid.


  1. I give up. The lunatics are well and truly entrenched within the institutions.
    The company I work for has been well and truly captured. A couple of months ago the toilets were festooned with posters telling us we should be talking to our children about periods. Apparently telling the children “you know those few days a month when Mummy is a bit cross” wasn’t acceptable. The company is all about diversity except for diversity of opinion.

  2. Just recently my wife and I were in the local pub when a “female” using the name Brenda walked in. Not a convincing femail. We are regulars and well known to the staff as was Brenda but normally at different times. As Brenda was leaving she introduced herself to us this time using the name Brian. I couldn’t help wondering if Brenda was guilty of misgendering herself.

  3. So if, in my dotage, I decide to splurge a substantial amount of the family savings on a sports car and my wife objects – is that abuse? A sports car is arguably a penis substitute after all.

    Somehow I think I am the wrong ethnicity, the wrong age, and the wrong gender to attract any sympathy from the CPS.

  4. Surely the spouce can counter sue for being lied to. They thought they were marrying a man/woman, if that person changes they have either not been honest at the start or broken the contract. Advice would be kick them out then let them get on with it. They are lucky that so many spouce support them through it all.

  5. “Gender identity might be the same as assigned sex (cisgender) or different to assigned sex (trans).”

    There is no such thing as “assigned sex”. A baby’s sex is an observable fact. Sex is not “assigned” for crying out loud.

    • Nah, this is great, this tranny nonsense. We’ve won. For decades men were berated by feminists that there should be no men only clubs etc. What did we do? We bent over backwards to accommodate them and we allowed them in. Well, the shoe is now firmly on the other foot. All I need to do is call myself Loretta, put on some lippy and go into the women’s changing rooms at the gym, swimming pool etc. and there’s nowt they can do about it.
      The feminists wanted equality. They got it. Good and hard and now some feminists aren’t so keen anymore.

      • It’s not just the feminists who are suffering the fallout though. We are all being affected with ordinary people losing their jobs for merely pointing out biological reality. We now have a man who was imprisoned for 30 years being released and promptly advocating violence against TERFS. A TERF is anyone who dares to go against their crazed ideology, not necessarily a feminist.

        • Exactly my point, albeit in a round about and facetious way. The whole tranny nonsense is deeply rooted in misogyny and misandry. Nothing more than projection of their own self-loathing.

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