

The only reason Brexit failed to deliver is because the establishment have made damned sure it would fail. No way do I want to re-join, so Mr Cook will not be getting my support – even though I do detest the Tories.

As an addendum, my cats don’t appear to be enthusiastic about re-joining. They are more concerned about somewhere warm to sleep and food in the bowl.


  1. Do you think that, in 50 years’ time these people will still be banging on about reversing Brexit? It is of course possible that the EU will have imploded by then anyway, but if not there they will be refusing to let it drop. The Scottish Nats still wibbling on about independence.

  2. I’m pretty sure if remain had won back in 2016 we’d have pretty much all the same problems we have now and given what’s been going on in Europe at the moment with Germany in recession, Poland and Spain on the verge of referendums and what’s being done to Dutch farmers the general consensus would be we should have got out when we had the chance.

  3. Where’s the business case for rejoining? There would certainly be some people that might benefit but at what cost? And there would also be some people that would suffer loses.

    And yes I blame the MPs, puppets of the Civil Service, for not getting on with Brexit and making the case for rejoining much more difficult to justify.

  4. The was NEVER any meaningful case for joining “Europe” given that the intention was ALWAYS a superstate, the governance of which was ALWAYS intended to exclude meaningful democratic input from the various peoples. Rule by technocratic “elites”. Always an optimum route to economic success and societal well being!

    The deceit was to sell it as a simple trade zone and all benefits being couched in purely economic terms (utter bollock of course, toytown austria-hungary has always been a massive economic burden and distortion for this country, the total cost by now surely measurable in trillions).

    What is striking is the sheer paucity of argument, economic, or political come to that. All that’s left is rage.

    I suspect that rage – that deep and profound hatred for this country, it’s people and everything it stands (maybe stood these days!) for – was all that there ever was.

    As I’ve said before, brexit, despite the spiteful and determined sabotage, is absolutely not a failure.

    Ask yourself where we would be now had the vote been stay!?

    • You said: “The deceit was to sell it as a simple trade zone and all benefits being couched in purely economic terms”

      Spot on. This is what Edward Heath’s government did. They told us it was a trading bloc and hid as much as they could the superstate bit even though they knew that it was there.

      I’ll never forgive Heath for what he did in taking us into the EU.

      Off topic. Note to Host. Your new server installation is refusing to let users with numbers in their usernames post comments. Thought you might like to know.

      • If the ‘net had been around fifty years ago he’d never have got away with it. His history with the European Movement and Paneuropan Union would have found him out. And make no mistake about it, these organisations were working for full political and military unification of the continent for decades before we signed up; the latter celebrates its centenary this year. The idea of military unification, ridiculed by Nick Clegg, has been part of its programme since 1923.

        His televised “there is no question of diminished sovereignty” speech was, without any shadow of a doubt, the most bare-faced lie ever told by a British Prime Minister. He knew perfectly well that it meant a diminuition of sovereignty because that’s why he wanted it.

  5. The minute we voted out the fix was in. How dare the plebs vote against the wishes of their betters?

  6. Fortunately, the costs of rejoin, in terms of annual fees as well as joining the Euro mean it will never happen, despite the protestations of the likes of David Lammy.

    The longer we’re out the greater the political distance that opens up between ourselves and the EU, even if Labour get in at the 2024 GE.

    • An interesting dilemma. The vichyites know this, and the economic argument – such as it is, wailing and gnashing of teeth about economic disaster – also fades as the country rebalances away from the rotting corpse of “europe” and the mooted disaster doesn’t happen.

      Politically, the truth has always been absolutely taboo, but despite the best efforts of the lamestream media, the political reality of toytown Austria-Hungary will become more and more apparent too.

      I suspect we will be getting a serious economic boost in the next few years from the decay of the FU, even if labour do manage a majority next year.

      The only downside would be if sir Kweer sturmer was able to take some credit for this and the more gullible believe that liebore are actually economically competent. Not that blue labour would be much different.

  7. Just dumping the net zero crap and the bans on fracking would have made a huge difference and given us a big economic advantage.

  8. Brexit is “delivering”. We’re already seeing benefits because of Brexit.

    – We have repealed the Vnuk law, imposed by the EU to extend motor insurance. The EU wanted to make OAPs pay to insure mobility scooters, and wanted us all to pay higher premiums. We stopped it, because of Brexit.
    – We have done away with the preposterous EU restriction on gene-edited crops, because of Brexit.
    – We have avoided liability of around £100,000,000 for the EU’s covid recovery fund, because of Brexit.
    – We have improved pay for HGV drivers, because of Brexit.
    – We have reformed and streamlined the process to get an HGV permit, because of Brexit.
    – We have increased Manx herring quotas to a level that makes fishing once again commercially viable, because of Brexit.
    – We have been able to strike lucrative free trade deals, because of Brexit.
    – We have been able to reject the EU’s oppressive, speech-limiting Copyright Directive, because of Brexit.

    Don’t let any lying remainiac tell you there’s been no benefits from Brexit. There’s been plenty, and there’s more on the way.

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