Another Day…

Another study.

Even ‘safe’ levels of air pollution can trigger heart attacks, a study suggests.

Researchers also found people can be struck down within just an hour of breathing in dirty air.

Tougher air quality standards are now urgently needed, experts claimed.

I can smell something here and it isn’t petrol fumes. More to do with a previous form of transport.

UK laws currently state hourly levels of toxic NO2 must not exceed that threshold more than 18 times a year.

However, air quality tracking tools shows that this limit is regularly breached in parts of London.

Uh, huh. So have there been lots of people dropping dead from heart attacks within hours of breathing this London air? No? Well, it’s bullshit, then. File this under third hand smoke and no safe levels of alcohol.

Around 100,000 Brits and 800,000 Americans have a heart attack every year.

To put this into context, the population of the UK is close to 60 million, so that’s just under 0.2% of the population and in the USA with a population of 327 million that’s again, 0.2% give or take. Bear in mind other factors such as sedentary lifestyles, diet and so on and what we have here is another scare story designed to demonise cars and with them, our independence.


  1. I wonder how many people die from the stress and worry caused by ‘experts’ blaming *everything* as causes of death?

    The commonest causes of non-violent death are heart attack, stoke and cancer. But even if you rigorously follow all the advice of experts you will still die eventually.

    • That everyone dies eventually is of course just what makes this sort of thing so handy for the power freaks. However many ways of dying they ban, there’s always another ‘greatest cause of death’ coming up next.

  2. Nuffing to do with a certain “vaccine”.
    Oh dear no. 100% percent of all those people who died had been breathing air containing dihydrogen monoxide.

  3. The air quality everywhere has been steadily improving for decades. These people are charlatans.

  4. Two things. First, how clever to diagnose these heart troubles when heart deaths are up 20% and nobody can figure out why.

    Second, when you get the extra years of life from following all the guidelines, why do they go on the wrong end?

  5. We seem to love prodnoses in the UK. Must be out subservient culture which follows rules and regulations.

  6. Every time an ‘expert’ brings out a health warning, they should be asked who is providing their funding? If your paycheck depends on providing the evidence required by the fund holders, then that evidence will be found.

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