A cyclist was knocked off their bike by a van while undertaking it on its blindside, sparking a fierce debate about who was in the wrong.
The cyclist. He tried an undertake on a left junction right in the van’s blind spot. A stupid manoeuvre and he is lucky that he wasn’t badly hurt.
Social media users were quick to make their feelings heard about who was in the wrong.
One user replied: ‘I’m not sure the cyclist knew it was left only, which is why the indicators should be used regardless.’
If he didn’t then he needs to read the Highway Code. There is a clear road marking, therefore no indicator was necessary. This is the kind of stupidity I have to deal with on a daily basis. This was entirely a self-inflicted accident.
But he was a cyclist and therefore one of the anointed ones. Clearly better than mere mortals such as you and I.
Had one of these parts do something similar to me. Undertook me after I passed a parked car and moved back to the left. Nearly squashed him. Luckily I spotted the plonker in time.
I don’t understand their mentality. If I ride a bicycle or a motorbike, my mindframe is that I’m the more vulnerable one. Even if I’m in the right, it’ll be me in hospital getting put back together. And I ride accordingly. Some of these cyclists seem to think they’re invincible or that because they’re in the right legally/morally they can’t get hurt.
Will the arrogant man child, who could so easily have been injured so as to make riding a pushbike impossible, or even killed, think twice in future?
Sorry, can’t believe I said that!
Why aren’t these morons registered and insured?
Well, should that happen they will only have themselves to blame.
Had the van seen him and swerved, possibly hitting something/somebody else, would captain save the multi verse have stopped?
Sorry, can’t believe I said that either!
As my driving instructress drilled into me, “It is fine to be right: but you do not want to be dead right”.
I find it interesting that this kind of analysis has to happen when there is a cyclist involved but not so much in other cases. Two cars have a minor bump and they sort it out between themselves and their insurers, we don’t need a social media storm for that. As a cyclist myself these idiots piss me off because they tend to give us all a bad name. When driving I see loads of bad cyclists but these tend not to be the arrogant entitled ones that are forever barging their way past everyone who may be in their way. There is another type which I would describe as oblivious. No hazard perception of any kind, they survive mainly because drivers manage to avoid hitting them.
This happens all the time. These people believe that being in the right, even if it is just their opinion, creates a force field around them that protects them.
Darwin Award Contenders, all of them.
Jeez – even the cyclist himself admitted he was in the wrong. what is this storm even about?
“a fierce debate”
I rather suspect no debate occurred. Unless “debate” has come to mean people shouting their entrenched views over other people.