FFS! Grow up.
The pride of a nation in tears after World Cup heartbreak…
King Charles and Prince William led the tributes to the Lionesses today as England’s first World Cup final since 1966 ended in tears.
It’s a game – and not a very good one. Ride a motorcycle at 200+mph on public roads for a sport and I’ll start to take you seriously, but kicking a ball about, no, not ever. Someone has to lose, that’s the whole point. What is it with football fans who seem to think that their team is entitled to win? Well, they didn’t. Get over it and grow up.
Jesus! You’d think some sort of tragedy happened. No one died. Someone lost a silly game. If you are heartbroken over a game, you need to take a good hard look at yourself and then give yourself a good hard slap to get out of it. Can we get a sense of perspective here, please?
Bread and circuses.
Give the hard of thinking something to distract them from reality.
The references to 1966 always make me laugh. We’re great, we won the World Cup you know…57 years ago. I was only seven years old so I don’t really remember mate.
I know. For God’s sake, get over it.
Garfunkel and Oates have it summed up.
Sports go sports!
I promise I really totally care who wins
If there’s a net or hoop or hole in the ground, I hope they get it in
If they want to go to all the bases, I hope they do
If they’re supposed to run past a line or whatever, I hope they do that, too
May they top their opponents numerically in the allotted time
Lest they disenfranchise their audience and see their revenues decline
May the partakers be sturdy and rapid in the spirited energies they exert
May they be victorious in perpetuity
Don’t I look cute in this football shirt
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
This is the most important thing that’s ever occurred
The vicarious fulfillment of your dream that got deferred
You had aspirations as a kid but you didn’t have the skill
So you watch genetically superior people do the things you never will
May the competitors you prefer best their opposing equivalents
So you can somehow feel connected to the feat of your self-appointed constituents
May the hours you spend watching post-match pontificators
Amplify the thrill of being a witness
And better your predictive aptitude
For your squad’s future physical fitness
Watching abile-bodied millionaires play with each other
Watching less agile millionaires talk about it on TV
May they compile copious points so they are rewarded and meritorious
So you feel temporarily, adjacently victorious.
Okay so here goes… I really love some sportsball. Footie in Winter and Cricket in Summer. Bread and circuses I know, but boy I’ve had some fun.
I’ve played both (pretty badly), but strangely don’t know anyone who admits to being as bad as me. When I played there were some awful individuals, some (admittedly few)
even worse, but hey ho. Many claim to have been unlucky and had a trial with a professional outfit, but due to some odd circumstances never quite made it.
I love watching all forms of football from lower league up to league football in all divisions. Similarly with cricket. This actually means attending to me, rather than watching on the soma box.
I also support a football team that was always in the lower reaches of the professional league, but lately have gone a bit (totally?) barmy and are enjoying a spell in the top league. 53 years with over 30 as a season ticket holder (gulp!).
I’ve made great friendships following my favourite sports, made some amazing friends, had some incredible experiences, sometimes a tad scary, but know that it isn’t to be taken too seriously. This is a social thing with your mates.
You do you and I’ll do me. I just wish that the plastic “fans” that appear any time some team is successful would just go forth and multiply and leave everyone else alone.
I am not religious but love the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Didn’t know when final was, don’t care they lost. We’re spared days of woke celebration on msm. Downside is demands for more laws, taxpaayer funding etc will prevail
Before match:
Toby Young:
‘Element of compulsion’ around the Women’s World Cup The notion you have to enjoy it’
The Women’s World Cup Is A Bit Rubbish
JJ Anisiobi Debunks Stereotypes As England Play Spain
Loved the part where Harpy says to Ester, you know what it´s like to be oppressed and Ester says, no.
Oh lord, the woman went from kindness to shrieking
Every word that comes out of Narinder´s mouth is hysterical and trying to prove some kind of point
She´s not into equality, she´s anti everything that isn´t her point of view
Don’t you mean I just wish that the plastic “fans” that appear any time some team is successful would just go forth and Not multiply and leave everyone else alone
I too am sh1t at foolball and not ashamed to say so. Squash I’m very good, only beaten twice
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
Sadly Gov’ts now usurping God
Oh. I missed that one. Never mind
Another link for you. https://voxday.net/2023/08/20/spain-1-lesbianesses-0/
I was chastised, again, by my Mum because I laughed about the result and she accused me of being unpatriotic, a misogynist and an all round bad egg. I told her that was how I was brought up. Apparently I changed after I left home and became the evil person, probably comparable to Hitler, that I am today. She doesn’t even like football.
It could have been worse, it was a close result. Had they been playing schoolboys it could have been a real hammering….
I’m wondering if I’m the only one who was appalled to hear that they kept the news of her father’s death from the Spanish player?
To think they prioritised a football game over that….
@Lord T
Similar here. Infuriating
Hadn’t heard about that, but I don’t read sport
Anyway, not telling her allowed her to win. If told, she couldn’t undead him. Put emotion whoring in bin