Yeah, Right

Er, no.

Louis Theroux has said that the future of the BBC is under threat because of some rightwing media outlets wanting a “Brexit from the licence fee”.

Delusion. People like Chilli Jon Carne aren’t right-wing media. I’m not right-wing media. We are ordinary people who object to a tax on television viewing. We object to the bullying and extortion that goes on. The licence fee has outlived its usefulness (did it have any?) and it’s time for it to go. I don’t pay it and I certainly don’t watch the BBC’s output having grown weary of the bullshit.

The documentarian and presenter said he feared for the future of the BBC and said it was up to the public to fight for the broadcaster, adding: “It’s possible that the licence fee is on a managed decline … There is vested interest, lobbying and active campaigning for a Brexit from the licence fee.”

The public is increasingly walking away from this nasty bullying and the BBC’s constant dribble of anti-English propaganda. Time for the licence to go. Let the BBC stand or fall on its own two feet.

Theroux, who made his name working closely with the BBC but now has his own production company and has taken his podcast to Spotify, said: “It’s up to us to spread the word to advocate the idea of public service broadcasting.”

Fuck off. That is all.


  1. We have television set in our house. My wife watches it, I don’s. She watches programs that she selects from her Amazon stick. No-one in our house ever watches anything from the BBC. Why should I pay them a fee for something which is never seen in my household??

  2. There is a case for a publically funded broadcaster, free from any kind of influence.

    Once upon a time, the BBC made that case very well.

    Now, it is the ultimate argument against.

    Louis (quite a few of who’s programmes I have to confess to liking) seems genuinely baffled that people actually have minds.

    Oh HOW revealing to call it a “brexit”!

  3. Brexit is the gift that doesn’t stop giving. Even when discussing the BBC these luvvies can’t help but refer to it.It must have really hurt the twitterati that us plebs had the cheek to ignore them and vote to Leave.

  4. We gave up on all legacy media years ago, don’t watch any live broadcasts whatsoever.

    Now and again when at a regular customer circa 8am i’ll have some tea and breakfast in their proper canteen…yes real people rustling up bacon sausages eggs etc all at subsidised rates.
    The television is always on there and even 15 minutes of catching the drivel out of the corner of my eye is enough to show its progressed to even worse tripe over the last 10 years, if that were possible.
    Best thing we ever did was remove ourselves from the mainstream media.

    I’m ever more convinced the reason 80% of the populace are asleep can be found in the output from the idiot box in the corner.

  5. My concern is that the licence being abolished will just lead to the BBC being funded by general taxation. That way there would be no choice but to pay for it. I find it interesting that Theroux just assumes that the BBC has widespread support from the general public. We do have a telly at our house and we do occasionally watch something on the BBC channels but very rarely. I watch a lot of You Tube videos, there is some really good content on there and it is all done on a tiny budget.

  6. Theroux, who made his name working closely with the BBC but now has his own production company and has taken his podcast to Spotify, said: “It’s up to us to spread the word to advocate the idea of public service broadcasting.”

    Of course he wants the license fee to continue, since it’s paying his mortgage, unfortunately for most of us the BBC is a net loss, essentially demanding money with menaces for its left-wing propaganda.

    I’ve refused to give into their extortion since 2008 and I have no desire to see a public service broadcaster either since they would be as left-wing as the BBC since that is all OFCOM allows as illustrated by the campaign to shut down GB News and other non-left-wing broadcasters

  7. The best way to get the licence fee to continue would be to be neutral again. For example every time Biden makes a mistake report it as much as if it were Trump. BTW if the BBC is so good why didn’t it catch Savile?

  8. “(S)ome rightwing media outlets wanting a “Brexit from the licence fee”.”.

    In the same way that “some right wing media outlets” refuse to pay for a shit sandwich even though it has a sprig of parsley on top. Funding the Biased Broadcasting Corporation from general taxation would be the equivalent of ramming the shit sandwich down your throat with a broom shank.

    How unreasonable of them to object.

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