Fuck Off

This scumbag needs to be told very firmly where to stick his ideas.

A leading judge at the international court of justice has said the UK will no longer be able to ignore the growing calls for reparation for transatlantic slavery.

Judge Patrick Robinson, who presided over the trial of the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Miloševi?, said the international tide on slavery reparations was quickly shifting and urged the UK to change its current position on the issue.

“They cannot continue to ignore the greatest atrocity, signifying man’s inhumanity to man. They cannot continue to ignore it. Reparations have been paid for other wrongs and obviously far more quickly, far more speedily than reparations for what I consider the greatest atrocity and crime in the history of mankind: transatlantic chattel slavery,” Robinson said.

“I believe that the United Kingdom will not be able to resist this movement towards the payment of reparations: it is required by history and it is required by law.”

The only rational response to this extortion attempt is ‘fuck off.’ This piece of shit wants to steal from people who have never held slaves and give it to people who have never been slaves. Perhaps we should seek reparations from the Ottomans for the Barbary trade, then we can use that to pay this scumbag. He may be a judge in a kangaroo court – one that we should immediately disown, frankly – but he is sorely lacking in historical knowledge. We paid – in blood – two hundred years ago. We don’t owe anyone anything, not one penny piece.

The study estimates that trillions of dollars are owed in reparations to countries affected by transatlantic slavery. The report, which was published by the University of the West Indies after a symposium held by the American Society of International Law, concludes that the UK alone is required to pay a sum of $24tn (£18.8tn) as reparations for transatlantic slavery in 14 countries. Of that sum, about $9.6tn is due to Jamaica.

Fuck off. That these places have problems is entirely their own doing and nothing to do with us. Nothing. Now fuck off, you vile race baiting grifter and when you’ve done that, fuck off again and keep fucking off until you find yourself in some mud hut in western Africa. When you get there, have a go at them about slavery.


  1. Slavery was simply accepted as being normal until Britain and North America suggested that it might not be. Britain expended a lot of effort to stamp it out and the US had a civil war over it. We should send this arsehole the bill, adjusted for inflation of course.

  2. It’s been suggested that one of the reasons for the historical animus of US Democrats for the British Empire is we fatally undermined their agrarian economy by banning & suppressing the slave trade 30 + years before their civil war.

    As regards the person identifying as a judge above – you can add ” and the horse you rode in on.

  3. What the “learned gentleman” forget to mention is that he is from Jamaica which would probably benefit if Great Britain were to throw away lots and lots of money as he demands.
    Sorry sport, the most your people should get from us is a free passage back to West Africa – and that’s for those of pure African heritage, not mongrels or half-breeds.

  4. I always felt Milosevic might not be as bad as portrayed and now we see the kangaroo court stacked against him. As for the figure, I have calculated the figure of assets owned by people involved in the actual slave trade to be absolute zero as anyone involved in it has been dead for over 150 years. The Arab Slave Trade on the other hand…

  5. There’s nothing to worry about, by the time any international tribunal gets round to judging this case illegal immigration will have reduced this country’s economy to the level of that of most African states and there just won’t be any money left to ‘reparate’.

  6. The Colony of Jamaica gained independence from the United Kingdom on 6 August 1962. How many descendants of slaves have since gone back to Africa? Not too many I guess, so they prefer where they live now and reparations are not payable.

  7. The GDP of Jamaica in 2021 was around $15 billion. So they think they are entitled to 640 times their 2021 GDP in “reparations”, which, given a population of around 2.8 million, is around $3.4 million each.

    Lets take this figure as “just” (after all, a “blackademic” invented it – sorry, carefully calculated it, based on a profound understanding of all sciences, physical, psychological and economic). Well if there are currently 40 million slaves in the world, then $136 trillion is owed by those of dusky hue to others of dusky hue.

    Show us the evidence of that being paid “global majority” and we might begin to imagine dreaming about thinking of it. After all, it is required by “law”.

    Or to put it another way, totally and utterly fuck off and keep fucking off until the last proton in the universe has decayed and the last black hole has evaporated.

  8. Don’t forget those African countries will be entitled to gibsmedat too as those evil whiteys destroyed their economies and lucrative income by actively destroying the slave trade.

    “Beware the Bight of Benin – one come out where ten go in” refers to the unhealthy conditions in that part of Africa for whites which was the source of the slaves purchased from the rulers there. Surely they are also entitled to reparations too?

  9. This is a prefect example of the old saying: “No good deed goes unpunished”.

    Britain led the way in abolishing the slave trade and the institution of slavery, paying with money and its young men’s lives for the West Africa Squadron and using the strength of its empire to coerce other nations to join in. Now some race grifters want us, the descendents of the people who freed the slaves, to pay the descendents of the freed slaves.

    Shouldn’t they be paying us?

  10. These grifters are on a roll. They’ve seen the success of BLM in getting the weakest amongst the west genuflecting at the shrine of a dead thug with millions donated to fund the purchase of mansions. The longer the west doesn’t tell them to fuck off and die the bolder they’ll get. I suspect our hopeless govt has already done the calculations about paying and the labour and libs have most certainly done so. I used to wonder how I civilised country like Germany could end up supporting the Nazis, now I know if you keep on grinding people’s faces in shit, you might be surprised at the end result.

  11. “They cannot continue to ignore the greatest atrocity, signifying man’s inhumanity to man. They cannot continue to ignore it.”

    We didn’t ignore it. We put a stop to it.

    “[I]t is required by history and it is required by law.”

    Bollocks. Which law?

  12. The present era is the first time in all of human history that slavery has not been considered normal.

    It was Great Britain that did that.

    We invented abolitionism, we used our resources to free slaves around the world, and we used our military to hobble the African slave trade to make it unfeasible, even before the US civil war.

    Frankly, rather than “reparations”, it would make more sense for the former slaves of the world to pay us a commission in gratitude for the freedom we won for them.

  13. I naturally feel that the Africans actually owe us reparations for dumping all their criminals, paupers, enemies and general nuisances on us to get rid of them.

    Meanwhile these nuisances owe trillions in reparations to the Injuns (surely there must be one or two left) that their wicked colonialism displaced.

  14. There’s one point that this Slavery discussion overlooks. No European ever went looking for and enslaving anyone. African slaves were captured and sold by tribal chiefs of their own kind. Africans sold slaves to European buyers. All the coastal Slave Stations along the African coast bear testament to this fact.

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