Good Result

The Voice campaign has failed in Australia.

Australians have resoundingly rejected a proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in the country’s constitution and establish a body to advise parliament on Indigenous issues.

It sounds so innocuous. However, what it would have done is create a two tier democracy with one set of people disadvantaged because the others would have been more equal. The whole idea of separating people in the constitution was thoroughly pernicious and divisive. There are Australians and that’s it. All equal under the law – not special because your are indigenous.

Exactly what the voice advisory body would look like and how it would function were to be determined only once the concept had won approval.

Yeah, vote for something, but we won’t tell you exactly what. Sounds like a winner to me.

Of course, the usual suspects are upset, but this is a victory for common sense, decency, democracy and Australia.


  1. Apartheid and segregation were once upon a time recognized as being a bad thing. There was I thinking that, in the west at least, racism had pretty much been put to bed. Unfortunately that put a lot of busybodies out of a job.

  2. Yes, I’m glad we stopped this one.

    Of course, the woke never give up. So they’ll have another try sooner or later.

  3. Between the combination of giving additional rights to the “Indigenous” that weren’t applicable to the rest of the population, the dilution of property rights and the additional burden of dealing with a local “Native” committee for land and water rights it was never going to be an easy sell (especially with the spectre of reparations thrown into the mix and deliberately denied when it’s there multiple times in the documentation).

    The Australian Government ended up trying to flog “The Voice” based upon largely emotional sentiment about the Aboriginal population and what they have been deprived of by white settlers, but enough outside Canberra knew damn well what Abos were like and wasn’t having it.

    The Vote No campaign slogan of “If you don’t know, vote No” also worked well in the absence of any equivalent catchy phrase from the Vote Yes campaign.

    Then again, when the usual “Useful Idiots” are calling your entire country racist for voting in a referendum, then you’re probably doing the right thing.


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