
Meet gander.

Metropolitan police officers are openly defying orders not to wear badges appropriated by the far right and linked to white supremacy.

In July, the force’s chief, Mark Rowley, banned officers from wearing the “thin blue line” badge saying that in the US an equivalent symbol had been used by “hard-right groups”.

The thin blue line badge has fuck all to do with the far right and these arseholes know it. Besides, if the plod can wear rainbow badges, they can wear the thin blue line, which has a much more positive – and poignant – message.

Rowley banned his officers wearing the insignia – a black and white Union flag with a thin horizontal blue line – before policing Pride celebrations amid concerns it could offend the LGBTQ+ community.

Fuck the LGBT+ community, frankly. If they are offended by a badge, then they need to be offended good and hard on a regular basis until they grow a thicker skin. And I repeat, their obnoxious rainbow and progress flag is distasteful to the rest of us who are sick to death of seeing it, yet are expected to remain silent on the matter – I crossed a pedestrian crossing with it daubed across the road this morning. Fuck ’em, fuck ’em to Hell and back.

One officer wearing the badge at the protest was pictured beside rightwing activist Laurence Fox days after he made misogynistic remarks about the political journalist Ava Evans.

Oh, my, this really is barrel scraping territory. Sling a a load of unrelated shit into a sentence and hope that they link nicely to make a case. Nice try (not really) but no cigar. If this is what counts as journalism, then there is no such thing as journalism. It is the reasoning of a five year old.


  1. Plod shouldn’t wear any badges on their uniforms which support any cause. Do that when you are off duty.

    • Same answer to this, as to the ‘Why should football stadiums light up it the colours of the Israeli flag?’ or ‘Why should town halls fly another country’s flag?’

      That ship sailed long ago.

      • Indeed. So all that is left is to play their game. If they are going to do this, hold them to account when they aren’t even handed. Wembley shouldn’t be displaying any national colours at any time, but as they have, well, now we can criticise them for not doing it now.

  2. Someone wake me up from the nightmare that is now.

    Laurence Fox a right wing activist? bloody nora, he’s an actor deary, one who understandably lost his patience one day and dared say something against the woke bollocks which made the wokey wankers all piss their collective panties in shock and fright and found himself instantly drummed out of one career and starting another that he no doubt hadn’t expected and probably never wanted.

    Maybe those at the top of the bill’s rungs could borrow Fox’s bollocks for a while and duplicate a set for themselves.

    • No, they didn’t ‘piss their collective panties in shock and fright’ they just pretended to. That’s their tactic: pretend to take offence when anyone expresses a view they disagree with, then weaponise the supposed offence by claiming that they have been made to feel unsafe. When feeble organisations give way to this blackmail, as they regularly do, they have succeeded in shutting down debate.

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