How the Law is Abused

This case should never have got as far as court, let alone a conviction.

The court heard he told Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei “you’re taking money off my country, go away!” during the confrontation outside Lancaster House last December. Parliamentary records show Mr Stewart registered flights, accommodation and meals worth £5,349 during a four-day trip to Bahrain last November paid for by its ministry of foreign affairs.

Mr Stewart yelled back at Mr Alwadaei: “Go away, I hate you. You make a lot of fuss. Go back to Bahrain.” In a video played to the court, he also said: “Now shut up you stupid man.”

Asked for his thoughts on the allegations of racial hostility, Mr Stewart said: “That’s absurd, it’s totally unfair, my life has been, I don’t want to say destroyed, but I am deeply hurt at having to appear in a court like this…. I am not a racist.” He continued: “He was saying that I was corrupt and that I had taken money. My honour was at stake in front of a large number of ambassadors. It upset me and I thought it was extremely offensive.”

It was an angry exchange. The kind that people get into. Tempters frayed and things were said, yet now, in modern Britain, one of those people was prosecuted. Mind you, if this MP voted in favour of hate speech legislation, then karma came calling.

Asked how he felt after their exchange last year, Mr Alwadaei said: “I feel that I was dehumanised, like I was someone who is not welcomed in the UK.” He added: “Because of my skin colour, because of where I came from, he feels I am taking money from his country.” Mr Alwadaei went on to say if he did return to Bahrain, he would “undoubtedly be killed and tortured”.

Sigh… Grow up, you buffoon. Seriously, you get an angry response in the form of hurty words for presumably making a nuisance of yourself and you go whining to the law for recompense.  I’m inclined to agree with Stewart here. Piss off back to Bahrain and see how that works for you over there. Oh, yeah, you would be tortured.


  1. My local MP. He’s a bit gruff but a good man generally. I’ve emailed him several times and he answers quickly. I’ve disagreed with him a few times but at least he stands his corner.
    He’s also served his country and contributed unlike the scum that legged it over here from his shithole and provoked this confrontation on purpose. I’m sure he will be in the Guardian tomorrow with his arms folded looking sad accusing Britain of being racist. Go to another country then.

  2. Of course the arab is tweeting in support of the so called Palis. Perhaps a quick trip to Gaza so the Israelis can frag him is in order. Why do we keep letting this vermin into our country?

    • “We” don’t. TPTB (deep state, senior civil servants, judiciary etc) do.

      “Our” fault is that we haven’t made sufficient use of lamp posts, piano wire and lions thus far.

  3. Mr Alwadaei said: “I feel that I was dehumanised, like I was someone who is not welcomed in the UK.”

    Gee. Ya think?

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