This Would be a Bad Thing?

Sunak being forced into calling a snap election would be no worse than has happened before. The man is out of his depth in a role that no one chose him for – well, no one, not even his party voted for. No one wants him, so, yes, a snap election would be no bad thing. Lance the boil as it were.

However, the mood at Westminster is increasingly febrile with rumours of letters being sent to the chair of the powerful 1922 committee backing a leadership challenge. A Tory vote is triggered if 53 letters are sent.

Party chair Richard Holden told a lunch with journalists this afternoon that it would be ‘insane’ to change leader again.

No more insane that what we currently have.


  1. I seem to think that the plebs originally got the vote because their rulers were afraid of them and didn’t want a home grown version of the French Revolution.

  2. I think it would be a bad move for us peasantry, the more time until an election the probability is that there will be more who will vote for Reform UK.

    • I suspect that is why the letters are going in. Better to get rid of the scrote now and have a General Election than drag this idiocy out into 2024 and make matters even worse.

      Can’t see the Tories winning in any circumstances, but it might be the difference between being thrown out of Government and being decimated as a political party.

      Me? I’m voting Reform if they stand in my constituency or doing a protest vote if they don’t.

  3. Being an old man and having a long memory, these capers remind me of the dying days of the Macmillan, Heath,Major and Brown governments. Did not someone say ,”All political careers end in failure”

    • Back in the day the parties presented a manifesto and at least made some pretence at sticking to it. So people were mostly getting what they voted for and you could sometimes say it served them bloody well right. Now the political class has taken it upon themselves to make all of our decisions for us and give us what they say we should get whether we like it or not. Just one example among many, nobody would buy an electric car if it wasn’t supported by massive government subsidies and tax breaks and yet the government is determined to force them on everyone.

  4. The Tories are going to lose the next election no matter when it’s held. They’ve started making noises about doing what the people who voted for them wanted them to do all along but it’s too late. They should have been doing these things for the last 13 years.

    “We’ve listened to you and we’re going to do this, this, that and the other.” It’s all hot air. If they wanted to do it, it would already have been done.

  5. Poor, well actually quite rich, Rishi is a place holder until the next Election when even the dimmest Tory MP knows that this Conservative government will be the last one for a few years.
    The older or no-hoper MPs will retire to their directorships, QUANGOs or some UN sub-committee, with a nice pension and a nicely appreciating second home in London to be rented out or sold.
    The younger hopefuls still holding seats will be practising their false smiles while honing their platitudes, false promises and stilettos. All with Marx’s attitude to principles. Groucho’s, not Karl’s.

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