Self Righteous Tosser of the Day

Good grief!

A cyclist stopped a bus and claimed to have made a “citizen’s arrest” on the driver. The cyclist alleged that the bus driver had almost hit him while he was cycling on a west Hull street on the morning of Monday, December 18. He then stopped his bike in front of the bus, boarded it, and confronted the driver.

The cyclist announced to passengers that he believed the driver was “under the influence of alcohol or drugs”. The police were called, but no such offences were found. Stagecoach East Midlands, the bus operator, said last week that it was conducting a full investigation into the incident. Now, after reviewing CCTV footage, the company has stated that the bus driver did not endanger the cyclist.

In fact, the footage showed nothing out of the ordinary, yet this jumped up little jerk thought it okay to hold the bus up, involve the police and generally make a nuisance of himself. If we thought Jeremy Vine was bad, this twat just made him pale into insignificance. It takes a special level of entitled self righteousness to behave in such a manner, but this idiot surpasses all expectations.


  1. These are the jobsworths that would put themselves in charge of a grey Utopia.

    Please feel free to include me out.

    • The bus driver should have driven over the twat’s bike while twat was inside the bus distracting the driver.
      They then could have exchanged insurance policy details.
      I hope that this bus cctv video is widely distributed in the area.
      This bicycle hero’s actions deserve the widest distribution.

    • A quick Google search shows that drink or drug driving is NOT an indictable offence.

      To perform a citizens arrest, it must be an indictable offence which must be able to be heard in the Crown court (or an either way offence which can be either in the Magistrates or Crown).

      Drink or drug driving is a magistrates offence.

      This prick could end up in some serious legal bother.


  2. Being a cyclist myself, less so now I’m retired and don’t need to commute, I hate pillocks like him with a vengeance. Cyclists get a bad rap, often as in this case it’s justified, but those of us who cycle within the rules of the Highway Code, and with consideration of other road users are unfairly tarred with the same brush. Staying alert and reading the road will avoid most mishaps but occasionally you are going to have the odd near miss, people make mistakes we all do. If it happens just take it in your stride and move on with your journey.

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