DeSantis Out

On noticing that Ron DeSantis has pulled out of the presential race, I am on the one hand mildly disappointed as I think he would make a good Republican candidate, but on the other, not really that surprised, having also noticed a resurgence in support for Trump. I think it’s fairly clear that the Donald will be the candidate this time around. Not DeSantis’ time, really. Maybe next time. I also suspect that Trump will do as he did in 2016. Whereupon we can look forward to four years of glorious head popping entertainment and chaotic interviews as the press try to catch him out, not really understanding that he isn’t reading from their script. As the late Mrs L remarked when he won in 2016, ‘he will be kicking over a few anthills and it will be fun to watch.’

All I will say, is that he really does need to go in fists flying and clear out that swamp. He slacked on the job last time and look where it got him.


  1. The DeSantis campaign was crap, he was wooden and based on this experience, he’s never going to make presidential candidate material.

  2. Out of more than 300 million people, these Muppets are the best they can come up with?

      • To become a multi-million sure? Live a life of largesse on the taxpayer’s dime? To literally get away with murder (see Clinton). Immunity from prosecution for membership of a pedo ring?

          • Errr. Alexander answered you question why would YOU want to? Bit of a slip up there mate. 🙂
            Hopefully that was for prep rather than you have started these crimes already.
            LOL. Only joking Alexander it was an easy target and we know what you meant.

  3. DeSantis is a good governor, he had just been re-elected in Florida in 2022, I thought he should have waited until the next Presidential election. I think a lot of the support for Trump is anger at Biden/Dems, frankly. Given how our election security is turning out to be a joke, I have no guesses as to how this election will turn out.

  4. I think having stolen one presidential election and the mid Terms the Democrats have no compunction about doing so – it’s existential for them – so I’d expect a Biden win, even if he is a brain dead Zombie

    • There have always been rumors about Kennedy’s win against Nixon; allegedly Nixon didn’t pursue the rumors “for the good of the country” Not sure it’s worked out that way.

  5. I did like Trump in 2016, but in the grand scheme of things, he didn’t really acheive that much. His big thing, draining the swamp, barely happened. Maybe if he’d had another four years? But that won’t happen this time. He’s now limited to a single term and is inheriting a country even worse off than it was in 2016.
    For those reasons, I was hoping DeSantis might be the one this time. Maybe when he’s a bit older…

    • Well as he is done after this he doesn’t have to worry about reelection. Executive orders all over the place. Just hope he gets better advice this time and I think he will run with Vivek. Now that will be interesting.
      DeSantis thought that he could make it with many ‘No Trumpers’ but the votes shown him he was wasting his resources and as he isn’t funded by the Democrats then he wisely decided to save up for next time when it would be him against Vivek.
      Personally I though he was OK at first but as he went on I went off him.

      The next few years will be interesting.

  6. Let’s not forget that Trump had to deal with the entire political, alphabet agencies and media establishment for 4 years producing permanent hoaxes, attempted coups and generally getting in the way through lawsuits and obstructions for anything his administration tried to do.

    Granted that he might not have understood the extent of the dems deviousness. I’m confident this time he will be better prepared plus he will have a much better reservoir of talents prepared to work for him this time.

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