1. Right from when it was first discovered by Europeans, Australia was dubbed the land of floods and draughts. This didn’t stop their government from listening to climate change obsessives who claimed that the latest draught was the new normal. So they built some nice new desalination plants which were nicely completed just in time for it to start raining again. I don’t know whether they ever got used but the existence of desalination plants means that we have the means to address any water shortages that occur anywhere if we have the will, and the money of course.

    • If I remember correctly, the desal plant in Queensland was built because the Labor government was pandering to the Greens. Who naturally felt that building dams was a horrid rape of Holy Mother Gaia.

  2. But Monbiot and the other alarmists have been telling us that a warmer world will be a wetter world. How can sea levels be rising so fast (lie) if ‘we’ are running out of water?

  3. I believe the average point on the surface of planet earth is abyssal plain, covered by 2+ miles of water.

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