One Piece at A Time

Little by little, the insane net zero scam is falling apart. Politicians are having to face the reality that you can’t magic something into being by simply passing laws. As people refuse to buy milk floats, so, too they reject the ridiculous heat pumps.

The government is delaying the implementation of fines for boiler manufacturers who do not hit heat pump sales targets.

The so-called “boiler tax” is designed to encourage households away from traditional gas boilers and towards greener heating methods.

Critics say delaying the tax from 1 April to next year will not help the UK meet its emissions targets.

But the government said it will also make heat pump grants easier to get.

It said it has relaxed rules on insulation to make it easier for householders to qualify for a £7,500 heat pump grant, saying that cavity wall and loft insulation will no longer be mandatory.

This is asinine stupidity at its best. These contraptions won’t heat older properties without having decent insulation – which is impossible to fit to many of them anyway. So grant or not, the householder is faced with a significant bill to install something that won’t do what is needed. Even if they do ultimately impose the boiler tax, people will still see it as a cheaper, more efficient heating option than heat pumps, so will do that and legislation be damned.

As deadline after deadline is missed or kicked into the long grass (because you can’t legislate people into buying something they don’t want, can’t afford or doesn’t do what they need), the net zero project looks ever more absurd. The brain child of cultists who make Scientology look rational.

“This is yet another deeply damaging step backwards from the government on climate that puts our net zero targets in jeopardy and will leave the country paying more for its energy,” said Greenpeace UK’s policy director, Doug Parr.

Good. Let it crash and burn.


  1. “… will leave the country paying more for its energy …”

    This makes absolutely no sense.

    “… said Greenpeace UK’s policy director …”

    Ah. Case closed.

    • So a single person directs Green Peace’s Policy.
      Very democratic.
      No doubt he/she/it gets a “Pass” when it comes to clocking up the Carbon Air Miles. Cos’ that is “Good Carbon Dioxide.”

  2. Paying more for energy is government policy, as well as being the biggest impediment to any hope of a successful economy.

    I occasionally wonder why.

  3. All the Net Zero values look good on a spreadsheet. Politics runs on these spreadsheet values – ticking the right boxes is the very pinnacle of success.

    But (BUT!!!!) spreadsheets are an abstraction which may not be based on reality. There is no built in validation of these values beyond debate, and debate springs from the values recorded.

    “Little by little, the insane net zero scam is falling apart. Politicians are having to face the reality that you can’t magic something into being by simply passing laws. ”

    Quite. The map is not the terrain.

  4. “Politicians are having to face the reality that you can’t magic something into being by simply passing laws.”

    This isn’t exactly news though is it? The enlightenment happened in the sixteen hundreds, I thought that we had learned a few things since then.

    In other news, I see that reform is fielding a candidate in my constituency so that’s good.

  5. I drove past Ratcliffe power station today, one of the last coal fired stations.
    The reserve of coal which can be seen from the road as you pass by is but a tiny fraction of what used to be there, i’d estimate 1/10th at most.

    Presumably its on the hit list for destruction.

  6. Ah, Grenpeace the gift that keeps on giving. These are the cretins that attempted to ban Chlorine (that is element 17 in the Periodic Table) their scientific ignorance is almost matched by PETA (people eating tasty animals) demanding fish be renamed “Sea Kittens”.

  7. FIRST
    My first return visit for well over a year – maybe two?
    SECOND: I’m sorry to see that people here are still believing the lies of the Daily Mail

    On to the subject:
    The actual problem is the politicians .. all of them
    Who have ZERO understanding of how either engineering or ecologies work & assume that something ( Anything, actually ) can be done instantly & easily … which it can’t.

    We need “net zero – BUT – it will take time & effort & ingenuity & imagination
    NONE of which the politicians have.
    We, as a species, cannot afford to have a net increase of global temperatures of 2 degrees

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