Only An Extrovert

Could have written this drivel.

How important are you? So ­important that only other important ­people are permitted to speak to you? So eminent your hair must be snipped in monastic silence?

I ask because hair stylist Kati Hakomeri has introduced a “silent service” at her salon, Parturi Kati, in Helsinki. Clients can book the online option: “A haircut without talking. After the consultation you can be on your own, recharge your batteries and relax”. Hakomeri says she’s an introvert herself, and her ­clients could be busy professionals or exhausted mothers.

What’s interesting (and perhaps telling) is how the idea of the silent chop has been embraced in some quarters as a long overdue liberation from a terrible ordeal. As in: finally to be granted some peace – a moment of serenity in my arduous existence!

Clearly the stylist gets it. We don’t want to engage in tedious small talk. Only an extrovert would dismiss our reluctance to engage in tedious and tiring tittle tattle. It’s exhausting. Yes, really it is. So sitting in silence is a good business move from this stylist’s perspective and good for her.

However, actively booking a silent haircut? Let’s call a paddle brush a paddle brush – it’s rude.

No, it isn’t. This, however is: Fuck the Guardian and all who sail in her.


  1. Or, to paraphrase the Grauniad:
    ‘How dare two people engage in a contract that has nothing to do with me, has zero impact on my life, and that I disapprove of! It should be banned!’

  2. Well done that hair stylist.

    After all who would want to listen to (all sic to come) gruniadistas, guardianistos(?),gruniadistxs/ys/zs and the rest of the alphabet guardian readers/riters?

  3. The better barbers I have known have been very good at picking up the cues about whether I want to chat or not.

    Yes they provide a service without being servile… something that may sit uneasily if you are a Guardianista.

  4. As someone once said – in response to his barber asking how he wanted his hair – he responded ‘in silence’.

  5. This is Finland, they’re great people and once they get to know you, great friends, but they can be more reserved that the British.

  6. Why is it so difficult to understand that different people like different things? What the hell has it got to do with thinking that you are too important? I tend to be quite outgoing and so having a chat wouldn’t bother me but why should I care if other people don’t? That said, I haven’t been to a hairdresser in decades I used to have a buzz cut so my wife would do it for me. Now I shave my head so I just go over it when have do my regular shave. I’m mostly bald anyway so it doesn’t take long.

  7. One of the oldest jokes recorded was found in a fourth-century text called “Philogelos” (or “Laughter-Lover”), and is attributed to ancient Greeks Hierocles and Philagrius.

    “Asked by the court barber how he wanted his hair cut, the king replied: ‘In silence.'”

  8. I usually cut my own hair, but if I do have to go to the barbers, it’s in silence anyway. None of them can speak English

  9. “Paddle brush?? WFT. She means ‘Spade’ surely? Is this more woke nonsense?”

    A bit of “Ooh, ain’t I clever, look at me, I know the name of something you don’t.”

    Hairdressers don’t use spades in the pursuit of their profession. They do use paddle brushes. (I had to look it up …)

  10. House of Commons barber “How would you like your hair cut, Mr Powell?”

    Enoch Powell: “In complete silence.”

    But he probably got the idea from Hierocles or Philagrius.

    In Star Trek: The Next Generation, set in the latter third of the 24th century, the Enterprise has a barber called Mr Mott, and the regular cast members are reluctant to get their hair cut because they don’t want to have to listen to his advice on how to run the ship.

  11. Dear Mr Longrider

    “However, actively booking a silent haircut? Let’s call a paddle brush a paddle brush – it’s rude.”

    No, it isn’t. This, however is: Fuck the Guardian and all who sail in her.

    No it isn’t: “Fuck the Guardian and all who sail in her” is good taste.

    Hope this helps.

    @ CJ Nerd May 25, 2024 at 17:31. I had tea with Mr Mott yesterday. Probably not the same one. He’s not a barber.


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