
The whole concept of international law is farcical. One group of countries thinks it’s okay to tell others how to conduct themselves. Now we have one country defending itself from a hostile force and a jumped up international court thinks it is their business to order them to stop.

The UN’s top court has ruled that Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive” in the city of Rafah on Gaza’s southern border.

The order by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) further ratchets up international pressure on an increasingly isolated Israel to rein in its war on Hamas in Gaza. The decision marked the third time this year the 15-judge panel has issued preliminary orders seeking to reduce the death toll and alleviate humanitarian suffering in the territory as part of a case filed late last year by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide, allegations vehemently denied by Israel.

If they are committing genocide, they aren’t very good at it. However, back to the point – this jumped up court has no business telling a sovereign nation to stop rooting out the terrorist who are attacking its civilians, so the correct response is ‘fuck you and the horse you rode into town on.’ Any country in the world, when faced with the attack Israel faced, would do exactly the same as the IDF is now doing. Deal with the fuckers with extreme prejudice. Can you imagine, for example an international court in 1940 telling us not to shoot down those Heinkels? Yes, fuck off back to the hole you crawled out of. The UN needs dismantling and everyone involved hanged from the nearest lamp post.


  1. Off topic – anyone want a bit of a laugh with regards to the July general election? Go and have a look at the website Electoral Calculus to see their predicted result. It seems that Sir Kneelalot is going to win 479 seats, which is 61 seats more than Blair won in ’97. Yes, really. This is the same Sir Kneelalot for whom there is virtually zero enthusiasm among the general public.

  2. You mean the arab -Nawaf Salam who has attracted attention on several occasions for statements critical of Israel. In 2015, he tweeted “#Israel Occupation of #Gaza & the #WestBank: UNHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU – 48 YEARS OF OCCUPATION”.[14] Months later, the Jewish News Syndicate reported that he wrote: “Israel must stop the violence and end the occupation” and “portraying critics of Israeli policy as antisemites is an attempt to intimidate and discredit them, which we reject”. You mean that ARAB . No wonder Hamas (another bunch of arabs) welcomed the decision.Of course the Grauniad is wetting it’s pants in excitement with the news. Has there ever been a more hate filled rag than the grauniad? Fucking vile paper staffed by cunts.

    • Moqifen

      They’re pure evil and in an ideal world I’d intern them along the lines of what was done to Nazi sympathisers in The Second World War. The South African regime are a degenerate criminal shower and ideally I’d reinstate apartheid era sanctions against them

  3. Has the UN condemned Hamas, or other terrorist groups in the area? Has the UN condemned Iran for backing them? Has the UN offered to send a peace keeping force to Gaza that will also prevent rockets being fired into Israel?

    I don’t think so. And so we know that the United Nations is corrupt.

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