Oh, do

Fuck off.

Just random thoughts here, but perusing the headlines at the Guardian, I see some witch in a hijab whining about white male MPs who behave badly being forgiven, while black wimmins aren’t. Rather than read the inevitable drivel, my reaction was, oh do fuck off.

Then an article by David Olusoga whining about the empire. Like this professional race grifter hasn’t already milked that one dry. Again, the thought of wasting minutes of my life reading another of his ill informed racist diatribes was superceded by the response, oh, do fuck off.

It must be really awful living in their joyless world, spending all their time complaining and whining like spoiled children. Oh, do fuck off really is the only appropriate response to these jerks.


  1. Must say l do appreciate your willingness to read the Guardian so that the rest of us don’t have to.

    • Agreed Phil.
      Mark performs a very useful public service in this regard!

  2. An inferiority complex on which the sun never sets.

    These hypermega inadequates choose to be like this, they don’t have to be.

    The ever reliable Simon Webb hit the nail on the head a while back regarding these “blackademics”, in that they inhabit a prison entirely of their own making.

    All Olusoga has to do is become a professor of an actual subject. Fuck me, professor of sniffing bike seats at the University of life would do.

    Something, ANYTHING – no matter how asinine or useless – that wasn’t at its core just hate and inadequacy.

    As I was always told at school; “can’t means won’t”.

    But that was in a world were creatures like olusoga didn’t exist even in the most diseased imaginings.

  3. Dunno why they don’t go off and create Wakanda just to show what they are capable of.

  4. “Then an article by David Olusoga whining about the empire.”

    How long has it been gone now? Surely the African nations have had ample time to get over it and rebuild. Of course the David Olusogas of this world never actually produce anything useful so, if they are mostly like him, rebuilding might be a little difficult.

    • My brother emigrated to South Africa back in the 80s and is stuck there.

      He lives in a suburb of Pretoria.

      They have had a 12-day power cut.

      And now Zuma is being spoken about as a credible political force again.

      You couldn’t write is as fiction because no-one would accept that an African nation would be that stupid…..

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