Nigel Farage is taking flak literally.
These violent scum have moved on from milkshakes to projectiles. What they don’t seem to appreciate is that they merely send more support in the direction of their target. Of course, if this is the sum of their argument, they have none.
I don’t as a general rule, like politicians. I do like Farage and not just because I broadly agree with his politics – but because he is one of those rare political beasts who will reply to a question with a straight answer. It’s refreshing. The two people who recently assaulted him should face serious jail time. The hustings should be a place for candidates to put their case without juvenile thugs lobbing missiles at them. I wonder how long it will take for Unite to disavow themselves from the latest assault as it was one of their own.
Are we counting?
There would have to be a right-winger to attack a lefty cunt politician before the issue would be addressed.
I went to a meeting to hear Sir Keith Joseph speak. He was at the time, Education Minister in the new Thatcher Government. I was astonished that after a moments thought he said that he did not Know what the answer was but he would find out went he went back to London and write to the questioner. I found later that he had indeed written a comprehensive answer to the question. A refreshing change.
I used to enjoy watching Nigel Farage speak in the EU Parliament ,giving them what for. I look forward to seeing him do the same in the Commons.
I like Farage too.
For me one of the most impressive parts of the recent 7-way debate was Farage’s closing statement, when he said (more or less, and from my memory now) ‘I’m the only one not using an autocue because I believe what I’m saying.
I have a relative who functions perfectly normally in everyday life and is highly intelligent but has really batshit crazy left wing political views. Disagrees with me equals fascist level of opinion. What strikes me about this stuff is how infantile it is. School playground style name calling. Oh yes, and the trademark obsession with Trump.
I think the Nige is what a lot of politicians were – had to be – 40/50 or more years ago: somebody with an engaging personality who had some real world life and work experience before going into politics.
It is actually genuinely shocking that the “leaders” of what are euphemistically called political parties need autocue.
To give a prepared speech, fair enough, but to answer questions?!!!
People can relate to him, and the fact that the mindless drones of the globo-filth have been told to physically attack him. Well it demonstrates what we all know, that they have no arguments whatsoever.
I wonder how many red wall labour voters will give him a go rather than going back to der sturmer?
If they were armed they’d shoot themselves in the foot.
These fools have no clue, the more hatred idiocy insults and violence they employ the more people will side with Farage and by extension Reform.
Had they looked across the pond they would see the more the deep state goes after Trump the more support he gets.
Passing the newspaper stand on the way out of the shop today I saw one front page proclaiming that a Conservative wipe out would lead us to a one party socialist state. Not much different to the two party socialist state that we have at present then. Presumably this is another project fear, don’t vote for Reform in case you get Labour.