I reckon miss.
I went to a Nigel Farage rally – here’s what he didn’t want you to know
I read the 500 words or so of whiny drivel and all I learned was that this vacuous fool doesn’t like Nige.
Did it matter to the people in that theatre that Reform UK’s plans have been torn apart by experts and economists?
Oh, my, experts and economists, eh? Well, the current clown show and the opposition follow these twats and look where it got us. Experts and economists have been consistently wrong about everything, so I’m not bothered about what they might say and nor are the good burghers of Clacton, but never mind, Sophie Huskisson believes them, so that’s okay. And she actually thinks that the drivel she has written is a take-down. It’s nothing more than a tedious whine that amounts to boo hoo, nasty man. A substance free tantrum.
Well, it’s the lefty rag The Mirror, and so this kind of piece is par for the course.
Off topic – I see the Just Stop Oil dickheads have been at it again. First, defacing Stonehenge and then vandalising planes at Stansted. The pro-Hamas bunch and Just Stop Oil morons are essentially the same kind of people. They’re like toddlers having a tantrum who destroy or vandalise things when they don’t get their own way.
Vandalising the jets of the rich hipocrites who lecture us about oil use while swanning around on private jets at least make sense.
But Stonehenge?
Obviously it has some sort of carbon footprint. If only neolithic man had been aware, eh?
@ Simon – not seen the stuff about the plane vandalism – I suppose they’d be happy If one of the vandalised planes crshed killing hundreds. It’s about time the British state developed a back bone and dealt with these idiots. I used to wonder how the nazis were able to gain power, and then i see the uk falling apart before my eyes and wonder no more.
Long jail sentences is what’s needed.
Farage has stated several times publicly that Labour will win the election so why is anyone treating Reform’s ‘contract’ as a pitch for government? My guess is he’s just storing ammo to be used after the election (especially if he wins in Clacton).
I am hoping that Nigel gets in if only to look forward to his speeches where he gives the ruling party hell, just as he did n his glory days in Brussels.
@Phil Day, johnd
As am I!
If der sturmer does try to form a “government” – whether through getting an actual decent majority or as some form of coalition – I imagine its utility to its globo-filth masters might not be quite as seamless as expected. Indeed, it may resemble the “european parliament” – a controlled and superfluous talking shop – even more blatantly than it has to date.
Just the Nige himself would do, but if there are a few more, well, belt and braces.
Galloway might be there, maybe others.
With a bit of luck, some piece of openly Islamic filth.
We might get a johnsonian (the actual skilled politician and president, not the buffoon) – “I just want to hear the bastard deny it” – moment every session.
Actually, it’s the only place where the laws of libel don’t apply and shutting people down isn’t as easy as on “soshul meeja”.
As long as the Nige, Galloway or whoever are not personally rude, it should be quite difficult?
I don’t doubt the Nige will be closed for “bringing the house into disrepute”, or whatever the term is for simply asking questions.
Assuming der Sturmer is not particularly secure (which he wouldn’t be from the third world zoo AKA the labour party, whatever the majority) and is in coalition or has a small majority – he’s been told that he will be the veritable christ come to cleanse the temple, so he will try no matter what – he’ll be prime waster about as securely as I would be archbishop of Canterbury.
Unless der sturmer does get a very substantial majority, a second election would be a distinct possibility, and perhaps quite soon.
How reliable, given islamofilth and Hindu “manifestos” etc, are some of his MPs likely to be?
Reform may well be aiming at the next election, and I don’t think they will be waiting 5 years.
The experts and economists who have given us 25% inflation (on top of the “non-existent” inflation for the decades before that), 500% rise in interest rates in the last few years and the recession that is coming? Those experts?
That those experts are still employed on our dime, and more importantly will not suffer any consequences for their actions, is the real scandal.
I’m not 100% convinced by Reform, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that it’s the only party not simply talking about to what extent we keep ruining the country. Look at Question Time last night: more of the same, even more of the same, yet more of the same but with PR, and as much of the same as mortal man can stand but Scoatland.
Bollocks to the lot of them.
Agree that Reform doesn’t have all the answers but they do at least ask many of the right questions. In the absence of any alternative they will get my vote.