
Why should she shut up?

Picking up an award for celebrity trans ally on Friday night he told a cheering audience: ‘I don’t wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up.’

I liked Tennant once. I thought he was a passing actor. Likeable even. However, as with all of those who think that their celebrity status is a platform for preaching, I’ve gone off him. Indeed, I went off him a while back. Who does he think he is, telling Badenoch to shut up?

In a stinging tirade on X this afternoon, Ms Badenoch, who is a Tory candidate at the general election, said: ‘I will not shut up.

‘I will not be silenced by men who prioritise applause from Stonewall over the safety of women and girls.

‘A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end.

Quite so. Is it not the case that the people who preach about tolerance and kindness are themselves the most mean spirited, hateful bigots? The trans activists being at the top of that particular pile of ordure at the moment. I humbly suggest that Tennant follows his own advice.


  1. Tennant has been like this for quite a while. I’ve seen several videos of him over the past couple of years, expressing his support for the trans Nazis and telling everyone who is against the idea of men being allowed into women’s sports and private places, to shut up. The guy is a weapons grade prick. I didn’t particularly rate him as Doctor Who, quite often, he would straight up copy the fourth Doctor, Tom Baker.

    • He is good at wide eyed staring.
      In fact he is the best wide eyed starer since Marty Feldman.

    • He’s got the latest must-have sleb token, a son with mental health issues that thinks he’s ’non-binary’ so that’s why he’s swallowed the trans cult kool-aid.

  2. Yet another luvvie to avoid. When will they learn that no one is interested in their opinions ?

  3. A celebrity, a luvvie, made famous by (almost) chance thinks they understand the world better than ordinary people. Jog on.

    I’m reminded how certain prisoners become ‘radicalised’ in jail. I wonder if efforts are made to radicalise luvvies by those with hatred in their heats?

  4. Like many of his ilk, Tennant is paid to say words written by someone else and, in the main, he’s not bad at that. The problem is, that while he is entitled to an opinion, he uses his celebrity to try and persuade others to support that opinion. I’m not famous, or well known, but if I was, and publicly said that I wished Tennant would just shut up, I doubt that he would accept that. Double standards, you see. I think that he would get on quite well with the likes of Emma Thompson.

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