Not the Bee

When you see a headline like this, you think it might be the Babylon Bee.

New study reveals that people who make good decisions have an unfair advantage

However, it isn’t the Bee. I’m still trying to make my mind up. Poe’s Law appears to be working overtime here.

The science is finally settled on this one: people who consistently make good decisions enjoy an undeniable and unfair advantage in life.

While perhaps intuitively obvious, the findings actually have profound implications for our understanding of success, inequality, and human potential.

Conducted by a team of researchers at Oberlin, the paper tracked the decision-making processes and outcomes of 15 participants over a span of three years, and will be published in August. Participants, ranging from various socio-economic backgrounds, were repeatedly interviewed about real-life scenarios where they had to make significant choices — career moves, financial investments, and personal relationships among others.

The researchers defined “good decisions” as those that led to objectively positive outcomes — higher income, better awareness around human rights, increased self-acceptance, better health, and stronger social connections. The study identified patterns and commonalities among those who consistently made such decisions.

And it turns out that good decision-making is not merely a matter of luck, but strongly correlated to beneficial socioeconomic factors such as being the recipient of white privilege.

Racist drivel, of course, not to mention statistically insignificant. Also, the link goes to the college but not to the ‘study’. The problem is that this is entirely believable in today’s insane world.

The final clue for me is that there is no observable writer for this article. I’m leaning towards parody, what say you?


  1. The bit about white privilege makes it look like a spoof. Up to that part the piece does at least make sense even as a statement of the bleeding obvious. It does read a bit like a dig at the Left who think that anyone who is a bit of a poor person has to be a victim of evil torris or exploitation by capitalists.

  2. I have four rules for life. Rule four states: THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR SUCCESS IS ‘STOP DOING STUPID THINGS’

    The corollary is ‘If you are not succeeding, what you are doing is stupid.’

  3. This thread reminded me of Victorian charities that would distinguish between the deserving and the undeserving poor. If you were having a tough time through no fault of your own they would help you out. If you were a victim of your own bad actions they would leave you to rot.


    Oh. Shit.

    Well, I just hope that Labour don’t do better than this exit poll suggests and surpass the number of seats Blair won in 1997 because Sir Kneelalot simply doesn’t deserve to win that many sets on a vote share as low as 36.1%. It just goes to show that the electoral system is fucked. At least Reform are projected to do well – winning 13 seats. They will win almost as many seats as the SNP, Greens and Plaid Cymru combined. I hope Nigel Farage wins Clacton. He’ll be able to give those bastards hell in the House of Commons and piss off all those annoying lefties to boot.

    One more thing – that online swingometer I’ve been using for the past few weeks is bollocks. If you enter the projected vote shares given in that Daily Sceptic article (Labour 36.1%, Tories 25.8% etc), it comes back with a hung parliament – Labour short by 26. I don’t understand how that swingometer could get the result so wrong. And I’ve checked. It *is* a swingometer for the 2024 election. Baffling.

    • Very disappointing indeed.

      Der sturmer has all the charisma of a traffic cone and he couldn’t lead shit round a U bend. I expect bidenesque delusion from the lame stream media and others as he doubtless will now be portrayed as the reincarnation of moses.

      As for that third world zoo he “leads”!

      Well I did my bit and to anybody I hear whining about the moron/fuckwit apocalypse going forward, one question: did you vote reform? (or an independent)

      I’m mortgage and debt free and in a better position to weather hurricane fuckwit than most, and going forward my sympathies will be rather limited for anybody who voted lab/con/lib globo-filth.

      Ah well, you got what you wanted, so suck it up bitches.

      It will be very interesting however to see how the “opposition” react when the Nige speaks in the duma.

  5. Oberlin is the college that “When three Black Oberlin College students were accused of shoplifting by the owners of an Ohio bakery, the small liberal arts school that was once a stop along the Underground Railroad supported the students and called for a boycott….”

    The bakery went to court and won a judgement of $36.59 million. Mostly, in my opinion, because the college continued to campaign against the bakery well after the evidence showed that the students had shoplifted.

    So any ‘academic’ work coming out of Oberlin is highly suspect.

  6. Life is hard. it’s even harder when you are stupid.

    When can I get on this gravy train. Getting paid for *cough* research that experience over the last 100 years has been pretty much defined.

    I’m hoping its a parody but my gut says this is real.

  7. Bears shit in the woods and the pope is catholic and doesn’t. My extensive research suggests that if you shit in the woods it’s because you’re not catholic but more research is needed so please send me my research grant.

  8. A sample of 15 is not statistically significant when you consider all the confounding factors involved, but it is absolutely laughable to then further divide the sample into racial, socioeconomic and, presumably, gender groupings.

    A perfect demonstration that the social sciences are not actually sciences.

  9. The comments below the link are great actually!

    My favourite- ‘ lmao anyone who believes this crap is insanely retarded.
    N?,£&s are beyond saving at this point. You all are insanely stupid.’

    Hard to dispute that!!

  10. It is all down to luck.
    Thomas Jefferson is reputed to have been a believer in luck.
    Said that he was very lucky, and the harder he worked the luckier he became.

  11. I have had a lot of luck in my life. Some of it was good luck, some of it was bad luck. In about equal quantities. I reckon they pretty well cancel each other luck. So, if luck has little effect on where I am today, it must be judgement. (Combined with hard work.)

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