Fuck Off!

Then fuck off again and keep fucking off until we can no longer hear your whining.

I still wear a mask and it helps me feel safe. But selfish other people refuse to do the same… despite my efforts. Am I in the wrong?

Yes. Next question? We had all this bollocks four years ago. Your stupid mask may make you feel safe, but your insecurities are your problem and not ours. We are not the selfish ones here, you are. You are because you expect everyone else to comply with your neurosis. Well, no. Fuck off.

I’ll cut to the chase. Four years after the vaccine rollout, and a year after the World Health Organisation declared the Covid pandemic over, I’m still wearing a face mask. What’s more, I want others to as well. In fact, I think they should. Frankly, I believe it’ s anti-social and selfish to refuse to wear a mask.

No, it isn’t. This is you behaving in a selfish and antisocial manner and no one is obliged to play along.

I know people like me often get pitying looks and some are even calling us deluded. Many people have questioned the efficiency of face masks, and the argument has almost become part of the culture wars.

Because there were stupid people like you who believed the scaremongering bullshit. You probably believe that there’s a climate crisis as well. It is not our fault that you are scientifically illiterate and lacking in critical thinking skills. We are not obliged to pander to you.

But as someone who caught a post-viral condition in 2019, I’d rather be safe than sorry. I saw first-hand that medicine doesn’t always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses.

It doesn’t. Your mask makes no difference whatsoever. Expecting others to go along with your demands is outrageous entitlement.

A face mask helps me feel safe. People who disagree with me remind me (helpfully) that the pandemic is now over. But they are foolish not to realise that the chances of getting Covid and other viruses still linger.

It’s a cold. It isn’t a big risk. It is not we who are foolish.

That’s why I can’t understand why others refuse to wear face masks, particularly in medical settings – where I believe they should do the courtesy of keeping people like me safe. Is it really that much of an imposition?

It’s antiscientific nonsense. It always was. That you have been brainwashed is your problem. So, no, I am not going to wear a mask. I never did and never will. Get over yourself. You really aren’t that important. Bel Mooney agrees – albeit more politely than your host:

So – as simplistic about this as any cultist or convert – you ‘demand’ masks BY ORDER. Thus, you seem to believe, all the problems you identify will go away and people will be safe.

It’s as unrealistic as unicorns frolicking over the Golden Gate. There is such grief and fear behind all your public statement, which people might not listen to (I’m sorry, but this is true) were you not the daughter of those parents.

Nobody is ever ‘safe’ this side of the grave. Some people might work out (with sadness) that your father’s amours must have been painful and even embarrassing, and that a girl your age wearing a mask in public and making imperious demands on the authorities is doing so ….why? Because she desperately craves attention.

So, basically, fuck off.


  1. He should wear two, or more masks. This will be the equivalent of having anybody he meets wearing a mask. Plus he will know that his masks are the very best, super duper, molecule blocking filters and not just something run up on a sewing machine using an old dish cloth.
    Plus he should wear swimming goggles because carnivorous can spread via the eye.
    In fact, go the whole hog and wear full NBC suit.

  2. Most of the article is behind a paywall, but the the story appears elsewhere. My opinion, for what it’s worth: if you think wearing a mask makes you safer then go for it. I’d rather you didn’t hide your face but it’s your face, your choice. If you think another mask between my face and yours would make you even safer then again, go for it, wear two masks. But don’t expect me to wear a mask to pander to your paranoia.

  3. The wrapping up of children in cotton wool seems to have resulted in them becoming adults with no ability to evaluate risk.

  4. I still wear a mask and it helps me feel safe. But selfish other people refuse to do the same… despite my efforts. Am I in the wrong?

    Answer: yes.

    Because even a HEPA filter mask won’t stop a virus. The only way to be totally protected is a 100% impermeable barrier to everything, breathing only through regularly replaced activated charcoal filters. Then again, said person might also find that a complete cessation of respiratory function would ensure they never catch any respiratory (or any other kind of) disease ever again. Hey, what’s not to like?

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